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We're going to take a deeper look at the TechNet Wiki Awards System... Wiki Ninja Belts.

Second are the Novice Wiki Ninjas. This is for ninjas who have made their move. Placing in the Top Contributor blog posts can be a challenge, even for one week. It's not as easy as it seems. The highest rank you can jump to from the beginning is the Blue belt...




Green Belt

Sensei Says: "Remember, once, I was where you are now. It's just that I didn't stay there for long."

About: Welcome to the Intermediate Wiki Ninjas! You've passed the initial hilltop, and you're ready to expand your journey.

Ninjas: To see who currently holds this belt, see this belt's section in the Belt Status article.


  • Silver Achievement Medal: Wiki Community Editor - You left 10 revision comments (that explain your edits).
  • Gold Achievement Medal: Wiki Commentator III - You posted 100 article comments.
  • Gold Achievement Medal: Wiki Editor III - You edited 100 Wiki articles, and 20 of them have 500 views.
  • Benchmark - You wrote 15 articles.
  • Benchmark - You placed in the Top Weekly Contributors 4 times.


  • Article featured on the Home page of TechNet Wiki 
  • Tweet - We tweet about your article and link to it

Blue Belt

Sensei Says: When somebody asks you how you did it, reply: "Don't know, first time"!

About: It's time for an interview. Tell the world about your journey.

Ninjas: To see who currently holds this belt, see this belt's section in the Belt Status article.


  • Benchmark - You wrote 20 articles.
  • Benchmark - You made 200 article edits.
  • Benchmark - You placed in the Top Weekly Contributors 5 times.
  • Note - This is the highest rank you can jump to (from the beginning). 


  • Interview with a Wiki Ninja - Monday interview for the blog that features you--If you've already done this, you can suggest the interviewee instead.
  • Tweet - We tweet about your interview

Purple Belt

Sensei Says: "I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine. But having said that, you're doing a great job!"

About: Despite what Sensei says, you still have quite a list of requirements to achieve!

Ninjas: To see who currently holds this belt, see this belt's section in the Belt Status article.


  • Gold Achievement Medal: Wiki Community Editor II - You left 50 revision comments (that explain your edits).
  • Benchmark - You wrote 30 articles.
  • Benchmark - You made 300 article edits.
  • Benchmark - You posted 200 Wiki comments.
  • Benchmark - You placed in the Top Weekly Contributors 1 time after you receive the Blue belt and meet the above requirements. You cannot jump to this rank from the beginning.


  • Wiki Ninja Stickers

Brown Belt

Sensei Says: "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."

About: And as the Sensei says, we should all fear the Wiki Ninja who has written 50 articles with lots of views. It's time we made you a Wiki profile page.

Ninjas: To see who currently holds this belt, see this belt's section in the Belt Status article.


  • Gold Achievement Medal: Wiki Contributor III - You wrote 50 articles, and 20 of them have 500 views.
  • Benchmark - You placed in the Top Weekly Contributors 3 times in a row.
  • Benchmark - You placed in the Top Weekly Contributors 1 time after meeting all the other requirements.


  • Wiki User Page - A TechNet Wiki page devoted to explaining who you are and what you've done  
  • Tweet - We tweet out your Wiki User Page to our Wiki Ninja followers




And then you can see that for the Intermediate class, the rewards are starting to get interesting... different kinds of blog posts, features on the Wiki, and stickers (knock on wood). For more info, see Wiki Ninja Belt Rankings .



   - User Ed
