Small Basic - The Properties of the TextWindow Object
Table: The properties of the TextWindow object
Property |
Description |
ForegroundColor |
Gets or sets the foreground color for the text in the output window. You set the desired color by number or name. The possible values are: 0=Black 1=DarkBlue 2=DarkGreen 3=DarkCyan 4=DarkRed 5=DarkMagenta 6=DarkYellow 7=Gray 8=DarkGray 9=Blue 10=Green 11=Cyan 12=Red 13=Magenta 14=Yellow 15=White |
BackgroundColor |
Gets or sets the background color for the output window. You tell Small Basic the color by giving it the number or name, as shown above. |
CursorLeft |
Gets or sets the cursor's column position on the text window (how far to the right). The first column has a value of 0. |
CursorTop |
Gets or sets the cursor's row position on the text window (how far down). The top row value is 0. |
Left |
Gets or sets the left position of the text window relative to the desktop. |
Top |
Gets or sets the top position of the text window relative to the desktop. |
Title |
Gets or names the title for the text window. |
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Have a Small and Basic day!
- Ninja Ed & Majed Marji
- Anonymous
January 31, 2016
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