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How did Small Basic change IntelliSense?

This is Day 2 of 30 Days of Small Basic Part 1.

How did Small Basic change IntelliSense?

So those of you who know IntelliSense well might scratch their head when you see the IntelliSense that Vijaye put into Small Basic.

Here's an excerpt from an FAQ about Small Basic:


With a new and revolutionary IntelliSense®, Small Basic makes writing code a breeze.


So rather than typing and getting the drop-down list, you kind of get this wheel of options and then you double-click (or Enter) to pick the one you want. This is a friendlier version for kids. Plus you can see with the colors, symbols and large letters, that this is definitely aiming to be friendly for newer programmers, including adults. Also, I believe having the Help definition built into the IntelliSense list hadn't been done before either. All that makes the Small Basic version of IntelliSense great to learn from.

Compared with Visual Studio, the IntelliSense in Small Basic evolved in these ways.

  1. It includes a fun spin wheel, with a unique look and feel.
  2. It includes integrated help/explanations of the objects/methods/keywords with even more details in the help pane on the right.
  3. You can make the window translucent (see the instructions below).

To make the IntelliSense window translucent, hold down the [Ctrl] (control) key.  This is useful to see your text underneath it!

Read more about the Small Basic IntelliSense here:

Small Basic: IntelliSense


Go to to download Small Basic for free and learn all about it!   


Small and Basically yours,

   - User Ed


This is Day 2 of 30 Days of Small Basic Part 1.
