2 Ways to Collaborate: Federate with Indiana University and join Vanderbilt List Serv
2 Great Ways to collaborate with leading Universities around OCS adoption.
I) Indiana University is allowing other Universities and School districts to federate with them.
2 ways to Federate with Indiana University:
1) Join this .edu OCS federation registry: https://accountmgmt.exchange.iu.edu/OCSEduRegistry/
2) Email us directly at ocsadmin@iu.edu.
Indiana's documentation on the topic: https://kb.iu.edu/data/axey.html
II) Vanderbilt UC List Serv
List name: HigherEdUC@list.vanderbilt.edu
How Educators can subscribe to the list (please note this is for Education institutions not vendors):
- Send an email message to: listserv@list.vanderbilt.edu
- Leave the subject line blank
- In the body of the message type: Subscribe HigherEdUC your full name
How to unsubscribe from the list:
- Send an email message to: listserv@list.vanderbilt.edu
- Leave the subject line blank
- In the body of the message type: Unsubscribe HigherEdUC your full name
collaborate and share best practices!!