A Tour through TSF: Enumerators
The next set of TSF manager interfaces are the enumerators. These are rather boring interfaces; they just enumerate things.
Generally speaking, the enumerators enumerate things owned by the item that provides the enumerator. For example, IEnumTfContexts is returned from ITfDocumentMgr. Therefore, it enumerates the contexts owned by that document manager, and not by any other document manager. Similarly, IEnumTfFunctionProviders is returned from ITfThreadMgr. Therefore, it enumerates the function providers registered with that thread, and not any others.
The only interesting thing about these interfaces is how you get them.
Interface |
How to Obtain |
ITfReadOnlyProperty::EnumRanges (and therefore, ITfProperty::EnumRanges) |
ITfUIElementMgr::EnumUIElements |