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Get Rich Quick Scheme for MCDSTs

Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technicians (MCDSTs) can use 70-621 (upgrade exam for MCDSTs) as credit for certs that ask for 70-620. A quick recap of events to date:

  1. Originally we said exam 70-621 could not be used to fulfill requirements that asked for 70-620*.
  2. Many of you politely pointed out that, in this case, the policy doesn't make great sense**.
  3. Cert team reevaluated based on your feedback; we will accept*** 70-621 for certifications that list 70-620 as an elective or requirement.

I think that is good news for 34,243 of you. Don't forget you can use the MCDST 40% discount on 621.

Your friend,



* For example: MCSE on Windows Server 2003 or MCSA on Windows Server 2000 or the yet-to-be-released MCITP: Enterprise Administrator on Windows Server 2008.

** When you pass 70-621 you earn MCITP: Enterprise Support and MCTS: Vista. Passing 70-620 earns MCTS: Vista. By transitive property (?) we could equate the skill sets demonstrated by 70-621 and 70-620.

*** This will apply retroactively, whenever we get all of our rules and systems up to date. We still need to analyze what this means to all of the related decision trees and business rules (and your transcripts), make updates to online requirements and info, and get our Regional Service Centers up to date in order for this to be all formalized and officialized. It will take a while to get all of the bits checked off, but I know many of you are wondering about this--we wanted to give you a heads up to help your planning. Thank you for your good points and questions; it helps us make better decisions. 

This poast is dedicated to Bill Holiday.


  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    Wow, you read my mind, Trika. I was just putting up a post to ask that very question since it looks like 70-621 covers 70-620 and 70-622. That's great news!

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    Hi Trika, I was just wondering if we can get our money back as I just booked for 70-620 (as part of the requirement for my MCSA), and 70-621 (upgrade to MCDST). Could you please let me know either way. Thanks heaps. Kind regards, Srinath

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    You guys at MSL better watch out. If you start catering to the general public, people are going to start liking Microsoft again...

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    I should have read the instructions on Prometric website, before posting the above post. All sorted. lol Cheers

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    OT: Yay, the 'certification numbers' people are early this month! (By the "third Thursday" plan.) I'm sure another post is coming soon about it :-) Updated: September 18, 2007

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    Well, guess it's not actually off-topic, since Trika did mention that there were 34,243 MCDSTs as of August's count, and now there are 34,461!

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    Do all people who took 70-621 and the 70-620 get a free voucher for an exam to compensate the 70-620 ?

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    Trika, This is great news, I've just converted my MCDTS by passing 70-621. Could you confirm that if I want to go for MCSA 2003, I could use MCDST as the elective and 70-621 as the Client Core Exam? If that's the case, I'd only have two more exams to pass to get MCSA 2003! Thanks, Guy

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2007
    So does this mean if I hold an MCDST and have passed 70-620 I can then upgrade my MCDST to MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician? If 70-621 is granted the same weight as 70-620 this should work the other way around. I think!!!

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2007
    D'oh. Not long ago took the 620 and 621. Bummer.

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2007
    Paul, no. 621 covers BOTH the technology and job role skills to earn MCTS (former) and MCITP (latter). 620 only covers the technology side for the MCTS.

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2007
    Trika, Could you confirm that if I want to go for MCSA 2003, I could use MCDST as the elective and 70-621 as the Client Core Exam? Thanks, Guy

  • Anonymous
    September 21, 2007
    Guy, according to the requirements, yes, that is right. You earn 620 by passing 621 so use that for your client core and MCDST as your general elective. Excellent.

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2007
    what a shame, I "wasted" 166,60 euro's (220 US$) on an exam I didn't have to take. Could have done an other exam for that money,....

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2007
    Confused, If I understand your question right, you took 621 and want that to show as credit for MCSA (in lieu of 620). This is not live in our systems yet, per my third foot note above--We shared this info as an advance courtesy to help you plan ahead. I don't have a date when it will be registering in the database and decision tree/cert path (and therefore I dont have a date when you can officially complete your MCSA with 621 in lieu of 620. I think it is safe to say it will be live by the time you pass 291 and 292 :-) In the meantime, I recommend you start there (291 or 292), until 621 "officially" shows up as a completed requirement in your transcript.

  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2007
    >>To my knowledge, I need to sit the 291 and 292 as I have my MCDST + MCDST upgrade (which the 621 acting as the 620 should stand in place for the 270) You need 290 and 291 for MCSA.  292 is an MCSA/E 2000 to 2003 upgrade exam.  Study hard for's a pretty difficult exam even if you're ready for it.  Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2007
    Thanks for the info, Yea, i believe the exams will be difficult, not to be taken to lightly. However my company are putting me on the class room courses for the exams and we have the MS-Press study guides, coupled with apx 7 years  experience im hoping i dont embarras myself and fail... As i am looking for 2003 certification, i may need 290/1 and then 292... I was hoping to go straight to 2003 certification due to not currently Supporting 2000... <meh> Thanks again for the info though, this helps me plan my study guide and ensure i take the right exams for the certification my work require.

  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2007
    Ohhh. i just read that back and i made a mistake... if i sit 290 and 291 i will be 2003 certified.. Thanks for that <oops> Right im on track now, thanks again

  • Anonymous
    September 27, 2007
    Thats great news cuz im MCDST. The bad news are that i alreadt took 620 and 622 cuz no one said that before..OUCH

  • Anonymous
    October 01, 2007
    Yep Ricardo, I (as many others) did the same. I took 621 and als the 620, because MS told us so,.. and now MS says, we make you rich quick!!! We make you save an exam by making exam 621 count also for the 620... Too bad for those who allready took (and paid) hoth exams separetly.

  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2007
    Hi, I have recently (before 30th sept) passed: 070-271 070-272 070-621 070-623 According to the release dates of the exams, the 621 was in beta until after April 07, therefore I passed this exam within 6 months of it going live. This means I should (in theory) receive Charter Member status for the: EST, the TS:Vista and the :CST... Correct? I noticed my welcome pack for the :EST Charter Member, however I am yet to see the TS:Vista or :CST Charter Member appear? Is this because the TS:Vista cert was officially launched on Jan4? Even though the exam for upgraders was not released until 4/5 months later... again, if so would that not make it impossible for us upgraders to be chartered for TS:Vista as the exam to upgrade was not released until late after the new cert its self was nearly 6 months old? does anyone know how the Charter system works for upgraders, will we only get charter to :EST as we passed the 621 within its first 6 months but after 6 months of the 622 going live? even though this  was due to the 621 not being release in time for us to meet the 6 month requirement of the 622 going live?... In other words I have sat the 621 within 6 months of “ITS” launch and have achieved the certs within 6 months of THIS exam becoming available, so will I eventually be accepted as a Charter Member for the TS:Vista (as I have with the :EST) or not... Oh and will I receive a :CST Charter Member as well as this was also sat within 6 months of launch? Hope someone can help clear this up :-) Thanks again everyone

  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2007
    I don't know of anyone actually receiving new-gen Charter recognition yet, although it has been promised. I'd like more details too. One thing I do know... Regarding "even though this was due to the 621 not being release in time for us to meet the 6 month requirement of the 622 going live?" You might not be aware that with the delay of 70-622, it actually launched a day after 70-621! Release date for 70-621: May 15, 2007 Release date for 70-622: May 16, 2007 This makes the question nonrelevant in this case, but I would suspect that any six-month period for different exams that can earn the same credential would be based on when the first compatible exam was released. So if that is correct, then MCTS:Vista's six months would count from January 4, 2007, and MCITP:EST would count from May 15, 2007.

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2007
    Ahh, Thanks for that... I suppose that makes sense (in a round-a-bout way). I have ordered my welcome pack for the ITP:EST Charter  and judging by the release dates above I suppose I won’t be chartered for the TS:Vista :-( Shame really, as I sat my upgrade exam within 6 months of launch so feel I should be entitled to the charter credential as I have met the new charter regulations, however i can also see the other end of the argument that states I have not. Does this mean that will be charted for the ITP:CST exam because AFAIK I have also sat this (623) within 6 months of its launch? However, this is yet to appear on my MCP Welcome pack page over 2 weeks after my ITP:EST Charter Welcome Pack was added? Thanks again all,

  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2007
    hmm hold up, if you take an exam in first 6 months you get charter member now?  If so I guess I should have it for mcts:vista (done in may 07) right?

  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2007
    Trika, I just noticed a change in the certification planner trees as of tonight 11/25/07.  Previously a requirement for MCSA/MCSE (as it relates to MCSDTs upgrading) were told that the 070-621 would suffice for the 070-620 requirement.  I noticed that the title for the requirement has changed to say: 620:  MCTS Vista Configuration (w/ simulations) I don't recall if when I took the 621 test that reportedly could be used in place of 620; had any simulations. Has there been some overturn of the previous decision count 621 in place of 620?

  • Anonymous
    November 26, 2007
    All, charters are sometimes by period of time (within first 3 months), sometimes by volume (first 500, first 5,000) so no hard and fast rule on charters - the planners determine these on a case by case basis. Willie, we are releasing a new version of 620 with simulations, at some point. Those of you who have already taken 621 or 620 will not be affected; you still have your credit as it stands. Does that help?

  • Anonymous
    November 26, 2007
    Hi is there any updates on when the tree will be updated for those for have taken 621 to show the 620 as a credit as well as my cert planner has gone abit funny it says i have passed the requirments for MCSA 2003 but i know i havent it is not showing on my transcript as i did not pass the 290 last time i sat it.

  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2007
    Thank you for answering my question Trika.  The answer you gave helps (and just to clarify) if it means that the 621 (more interested in this one) and 620 exam takers will still receive credit for exams that call for the 620 w/ simulations as it relates to the MCSA and MCSE 2003 certification tracks.  That's my main concern, otherwise I better schedule this new 620 so that I can be on track to clear my 'client' requirement.

  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2007
    W, Customers who took 620 in original form will not be required to take 620 with simulations when it launches. We will not change requirements to say “this certification requires 620 with simulations instead of plain ol' 620...” once you've earned 620, you're good. Russell can you send me an e-mail with your MCP ID and exactly what is funny (i.e showing MCSA but you haven't earned it or whatever)

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2008
    As of late last week, you can officially use exam 70-621 (upgrading from MCDST to MCITP) in place of

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2008
    As of late last week, you can officially use exam 70-621 (upgrading from MCDST to MCITP) in place of

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2008
    so if i finished exam 621 and i was already a DST so i would be granted the MCITP enterprise support and MCTS windows vista so after that if i took exam 70-623 i would automatically be a MCIT Professional Consumer Support Technician since i already got the ESP earlier right ?? and something else that Certified mcp around the world is only November updated arent there any recent updates for that list ?

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2008
    Jacobs, Yes. You are correct. MCDST + 621 + 623 = MCITP: Enterprse Support Technician AND MCITP: Consumer Support Technician

  • Anonymous
    June 17, 2008
    Just curious - How many questions are on the test?  How many simulations?

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2009
    Does anybody know if there's a time limit between exams. I took 070-271 July 2006 and passed it. I'm planning to start studying for 070-272 so I can be "MCDST" certified. Is there a time limit. I also understand that they only go by Pass/Fail now. When I took it 2 1/2 years ago, they actually score it. 700 was the minimum. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2009
    Does anybody know if there's a time limit between exams. I took 070-271 July 2006 and passed it. I'm planning to start studying for 070-272 so I can be "MCDST" certified. Is there a time limit. I also understand that they only go by Pass/Fail now. When I took it 2 1/2 years ago, they actually score it. 700 was the minimum. Thanks.