Jeez, I’m out of it for a little while, and everyone gets delusions of grandeur! February Blog Series Underway!
Hey folks, I'm back from play time with Mickey and as it turns out my team started a new blog series while I was gone. :) February's series is about Migration and Deployment. From Windows 8 to System Center App Controller, we will be providing daily articles on these topics. The schedule(notice we spared everyone weekend reading/writing):
- Week #1 (February 4-8): Windows 8
- Week #2 (February 11-15): Windows Server 2012
- Week #3 (February 18-22): Windows Azure
- Week #4 (February 25-28): System Center 2012 App Controller
Since I was out for the first part of the series I thought I would write up a summary of the topics with links to the articles here.
Week 1:
Series Opener:
Windows 8 Upgrade and Migration Requirements:
Free tools for Windows Deployment(ADK and MDT):
Deploy Using Configuration Manager and Zero-Touch:
Windows Easy Transfer Wizard - Even Grandma Can Do It:
Week 2:
Requirements for Windows Server 2012 Installation:
Upgrade Implications for AD:
Stay tuned each day for a new article in the series!