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FREE Hands-on "Virtual Study Halls" with Live Expert Q&A

There’s so many cool features to explore in the latest Windows infrastructure offerings that it’s hard to find time to explore all of them.  Beginning February 8th, you can block time on a weekly basis between 10AM and 3PM Eastern Time to join a Virtual Study Hall and work through real-world hands-on activities with assistance from a field-experienced IT Pro Technical Evangelist!


What is a Virtual Study Hall?

A Virtual Study Hall is an “open lab” time where you can study and work virtually on any of the hands-on exercises in the “Early Experts” Hands-on Labs or Step-by-Step Guides

  • Boy Live Assistance! During the Virtual Study Hall, an IT Pro Technical Evangelist will be online to help you with questions that you may have on the lab topic areas.
  • Messenger Collaborate! Much like High School Study Hall, you’ll be able to swap notes and collaborate with other IT Pros in the Virtual Study Hall to share tips … this time without risk of getting sent to the Principal’s office!

Work At Your Own Pace!

Virtual Study Halls provide you with the ability to block-out time on a weekly basis so that you can focus on progressing in your learning goals and prepare for the latest Microsoft certifications, such as MCSA: Windows Server 2012 and MCSE: Private Cloud … All at your own pace!

What Can I Expect?

In a Virtual Study Hall, you’ll be able to work through real-life hands-on activities.  The list of hands-on lab topics is always growing, but includes scenarios such as:

  • Windows 8
    • Build a Windows 8 Application Development Environment in the Cloud
    • Side-loading Windows 8 Apps
    • Controlling Access in Windows 8 via AppLocker
  • Windows Server 2012
    • Installing Windows Server 2012
    • Implementing Server Core and Minimal Server Interface
    • Working with SAN-like Storage Spaces
    • Configuring NIC Teaming
    • Simplified Installation of Active Directory Domain Services
    • Create and Manage Active Directory Group Policy
    • Manage Server Roles and Features with Server Manager
    • Manage Windows Server 2012 with PowerShell 3.0
    • Configure IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing
    • Deploy and Configure DHCP and DNS
    • Configure Hyper-V Virtual Machines, Storage and Networks
  • Windows Azure
    • Build Virtual Machines and Virtual Networks in the Cloud with Windows Azure
    • Build Linux VMs in the Cloud with Windows Azure
    • Connecting PaaS and IaaS Application Workloads in the Cloud
  • System Center 2012
    • Installing System Center 2012 SP1 Configuration Manager
    • Building a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager
  • SharePoint 2013
    • Build a SharePoint 2013 Lab in the Cloud
  • SQL Server 2012
    • Build a SQL 2012 VM in the Cloud

How Do I Join a Virtual Study Hall?

Here’s the steps for joining us at the next “Early Experts” Virtual Study Hall:

  1. Clock BLOCK IT: Download and Save this appointment to your calendar to block out your study hall time as a reminder.
  2. Computer CONNECT: Join the “Early Experts” Virtual Study Hall on Fridays, between 10AM and 3PM Eastern Time, beginning Feb 8th 2013.
  3. Call me SHARE IT: Spread the news about this FREE Virtual Study Hall with your colleagues and social networks by using the sharing buttons below!

See you there!
