Tip of the Day: Windows AutoPilot Links from an MVP and more!
Today's tip...
Some people like screenshots, some people like simple steps, and some people want all of the information. Here's a list of content that should satisfy most when they are looking for all things AutoPilot.
AutoPilot and Intune
MVP Blog “First look at Windows AutoPilot Intune integration” - https://osddeployment.dk/2017/10/20/first-look-at-windows-autopilot-intune-integration/
- Great screenshots of the Intune admin portal
- How to create a profile
- How to change OOBE
- How to import devices
MS Doc Synchronizing devices, creating, editing, and assigning profiles, and viewing alerts for unassigned devices - /en-us/intune/enrollment-autopilot
AutoPilot and Store for Business
MVP Blog “How to use Windows AutoPilot from Microsoft Store for Business” - https://osddeployment.dk/2017/07/20/how-to-use-windows-autopilot-from-microsoft-windows-store-for-businesswsfb/
- Lots of good information on AutoPilot
- How to manage AutoPilot in the SfB
- Creating a new profile in SfB
- Great screenshots
MS Doc Creating, editing, or deleting an AutoPilot profile using SfB - /en-us/microsoft-store/add-profile-to-devices#manage-autopilot-deployment-profiles
- Also includes common errors and explanations
AutoPilot and Partner Center
MVP Blog “How to use Windows AutoPilot from Microsoft Partner Center (CSP)” - https://osddeployment.dk/2017/07/07/how-to-use-windows-autopilot-from-microsoft-partner-center-csp/
- Lots of good information on AutoPilot
- How to manage AutoPilot in the Partner Center
- Adding and assigning profiles
- Great screenshots
MS MSDN Article “Simplify device setup with Windows AutoPilot” - https://msdn.microsoft.com/partner-center/autopilot
- Add organization login pages to OOBE
- Removal of Windows pages from OOBE
- Updating or deleting a profile
AutoPilot and O365/M365 Business
MS Office Article “Create and edit AutoPilot profiles” for O365 Admins and M365 Business admins - https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Create-and-edit-AutoPilot-profiles-5cf7139e-cfa1-4765-8aad-001af1c74faa?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
- Great step-by-step processes
Other Great AutoPilot Content
MS TechNet Blog “Modernizing Windows Deployment with Windows AutoPilot” - https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/windowsitpro/2017/06/29/modernizing-windows-deployment-with-windows-autopilot/
- How does it work
- A link to a Microsoft Mechanics video explaining the same as above
MS TechNet Blog “What’s new for IT pros in Windows 10, version 1709” - https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/windowsitpro/2017/10/17/whats-new-for-it-pros-in-windows-10-version-1709/
- Video covering everything that’s new
- Section specific to AutoPilot
- Lots of other great information
MS Doc “Overview of Windows AutoPilot” - /en-us/windows/deployment/windows-autopilot/windows-10-autopilot