Tip of the Day: VPN and Enterprise Data Protection
Today’s Tip…
EDP is new for Windows 10 and provides an array of capabilities aimed and assuring the integrity of data wherever it may rest in the enterprise.
What’s new in Windows 10 | Enterprise Data Protection overview
But how can VPN administrators leverage an EDP policy to extend data protection to remote devices?
Windows 10 VPN integrates fully with the Enterprise Data Protection platform, leveraging an existing EDP policy to protect both incoming and outgoing data.
Consider the following:
How EDP Works
EDP policies protect enterprise data residing on the corporate network or in the cloud
Enterprise networks are identified in an EDP policy by
- a DNS suffix,
- by online service, and/or
- by IP ranges
Data accessed from these networks is always encrypted when stored on a local device
How VPN Uses EDP
In the EDP Policy
- An EDP Identifier tags (administratively defined) Enterprise Applications
In the VPN Policy
- The EDP Identifier is inserted into the VPN Profile
The network stack can use this information in the following ways:
- EDP protected apps can be used to trigger VPN
- EDP can also be used to restrict the VPN interface so that only Enterprise Apps can communicate across a tunnel
- Anonymous
January 06, 2016
is there any difference on which vpn i choose from: http://comparisonvpn.com they all seem somewhat equal to me..