Tip of the Day: Using Azure Automation State Tracking and Azure Monitor to Detect and Alert on File Changes
Today's tip...
Great demonstration on how to use Azure Automation State Tracking to detect when a file (Windows or Linux) has been changed and configuring Azure Monitor to take action (for example send email or text message).
- Azure Monitor: Detecting and Alerting on File Changes - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/ITOps-Talk-Blog/Azure-Monitor-Detecting-and-Alerting-on-File-Changes/ba-p/286327
- Azure Automation State Tracking - /en-us/azure/automation/automation-change-tracking?WT.mc_id=ITOpsTalk-blog-nepeters
- Azure Monitor overview - /en-us/azure/azure-monitor/overview?WT.mc_id=ITOpsTalk-blog-nepeters