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Tip of the Day: Remotely Managing Nano Server

Today’s Tip…

Remotely Managing Nano Server

Nano Server is 100% managed remotely. There is no local logon capability at all, nor does it support Terminal Services. Options for managing Nano Server remotely include:

  • Windows PowerShell
  • Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
  • Windows Remote Management
  • Emergency Management Services (EMS)

To use any of these methods you will need to know the IP address of the Nano Server, which you can be discovered either by pinging the hostname or in the Networking Section of the Nano Server Recovery Console.

Using Windows PowerShell Remoting

To manage Nano Server with Windows PowerShell remoting you need to

  1. Add the IP address of the Nano Server to your local management computer’s list of trusted hosts
  2. Add the account you are using to the Nano Server’s administrators group
  3. Optionally enable CredSSP

To add the Nano Server to the list of trusted hosts, run this command at an elevated Windows PowerShell prompt:

     Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts “<IP address of Nano Server>”

To start the remote Windows PowerShell session, start an elevated local Windows PowerShell session, and then run these commands:

     $ip = “<IP address of Nano Server>”

     $s = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ip -Credential ~\Administrator

     Enter-PSSession $s

You can now use this session to run Windows PowerShell commands on the remote Nano Server.


Support for Remote Script Editing and Debugging

Support for copying files via PowerShell sessions

  • Using the ToSession / FromSession parameters on Copy-Item

Remote file editing in PowerShell ISE

  • psedit function available on Nano
  • Opens a file in the ISE

Interactive script debugging over PowerShell session

  • Similar experience to command-line debugger for local script

Remote script debugging within PowerShell ISE

  • Built on remote file editing and the ISE debugger

Remote host process connect & debug

  • Set of new cmdlets for discovering and connecting to PowerShell host processes


See the following resource for more information on getting started with Nano Server:


  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2017
    Also, for Hyper-V management at Nano Server you can use 5nine Manager