Tip of the Day: Reduce running costs for your RDS Deployment in Azure using Auto-Scaling
Today’s Tip…
The most significant cost is the RDSH server VMs, so a great way to reduce cost is to shut down and de-allocate your RDSH VMs during off hours and then start them back up again as usage increases. The Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH) auto-scaling sample script uses Azure Resource Management (ARM) PowerShell.
The sample script is intended to help you automate RDSH scaling. You can use the sample script as-is with simple configuration using the config.xml file, or you can customize the sample script itself. The PowerShell script, xml configuration file, and a deployment document are all included in a .zip file that can all be downloaded from TechNet Script Center.
- Reduce running costs for your RDS Deployment in Azure using Auto-Scaling - https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/enterprisemobility/2017/03/23/reduce-running-costs-for-your-rds-deployment-in-azure-using-auto-scaling/
- Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH) auto-scaling sample script - https://aka.ms/rdshscaling
- RDS Technet documentation - https://aka.ms/rdsonazure
- RDS ARM templates - https://aka.ms/rdautomation
- Azure Marketplace solution template - https://technet.microsoft.com/windows-server-docs/compute/remote-desktop-services/rds-in-azure