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Tip of the Day: New Windows ADK, Windows Ink and Configuring the Taskbar in Windows 10

Today’s Tip…

The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10, version 1607 is available.

Direct download:

Note: You must use Windows 10, version 1607 with this version of the ADK.


Brian Roper and Li-Chen Miller take a look at Windows Ink and the work that went into it to make it possible in this YouTube Video.

Starting with Windows 10 v1607, administrators can pin additional apps to the taskbar and remove default pinned apps from the taskbar by adding a <TaskbarLayout> section to a layout modification XML file. This method never removes user-pinned apps from the taskbar.

“Configure Windows 10 Taskbar” -

Note: The only aspect of the taskbar that can currently be configured by the layout modification XML file is the layout.


Additional Content

“Download the Windows ADK” for Windows 10 v1607 ADK, Windows 10 v1511 ADK, Windows IoT Core ADK add-on, and Windows 8.1 Update ADK -

“Manage Windows 10 Start and taskbar layout” -

“Customize and export Start layout” -

“Customize Windows 10 Start and taskbar with Group Policy” -

“Customize Windows 10 Start with mobile device management (MDM)” -

“Customize Windows 10 Start and taskbar with ICD and provisioning packages” -

“Changes to Group Policy settings for Windows 10 Start” -