(SQL) Tip of the Day: Using Elastic Jobs for day to day tasks
Today’s Tip…
Elastic Database Jobs are a great way to schedule actions in SQL Azure that can be run via TSQL. I have created a script that will help you create a scheduled job to automatically scale your database up and down on a schedule. You should be able to use this as a template to create the jobs you need:
#Make sure you have Azure PowerShell Installed https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/powershell-install-configure/
#Download nuget command line: https://nuget.org/nuget.exe
#Use Nuget to install the Azure Sql Database Jobs library
.\nuget install Microsoft.Azure.SqlDatabase.Jobs -prerelease
#You will now have a directory Microsoft.Azure.SqlDatabase.Jobs.x.x.xxxx.x where x.x.xxxx.x reflects the version number.
#move your working directory to Microsoft.Azure.SqlDatabase.Jobs.x.x.xxxx.x\tools
#Add the cmdlets
Unblock-File .\InstallElasticDatabaseJobsCmdlets.ps1
#Create your Elastic Jobs database and worker roles
Unblock-File .\InstallElasticDatabaseJobs.ps1
#Login to Azure
#Setup your Elastic Jobs connection, use the credentials you created above
Use-AzureSqlJobConnection -CurrentAzureSubscription
#Create your credentials to the server/database you want to work on
$credentialName = "Your Credential Name Here"
$databaseCredential = Get-Credential
$credential = New-AzureSqlJobCredential -Credential $databaseCredential -CredentialName $credentialName
Write-Output $credential
#Create your first TSQL script (This one is to scale your database to S2)
$scriptName = "Scale Up The Database"
$scriptCommandText = "ALTER DATABASE [YourDatabaseHere] MODIFY (EDITION='standard', SERVICE_OBJECTIVE='S2')"
$script = New-AzureSqlJobContent -ContentName $scriptName -CommandText $scriptCommandText
Write-Output $script
#Create your second TSQL script (This one scales down your database to S0)
$scriptName2 = "Scale Down The Database"
$scriptCommandText = "ALTER DATABASE [YourDatabaseHere] MODIFY (EDITION='standard', SERVICE_OBJECTIVE='S0')"
$script = New-AzureSqlJobContent -ContentName $scriptName2 -CommandText $scriptCommandText
Write-Output $script
#Add your database as a job target (since we are scaling, point at the master db)
$databaseName = "master"
$databaseServerName = "YourSQLAzureServer"
New-AzureSqlJobTarget -DatabaseName $databaseName -ServerName $databaseServerName
#Create your database collection
$customCollectionName = "DatabaseCollectionNameHere"
New-AzureSqlJobTarget -CustomCollectionName $customCollectionName
#Add the database to your DB Collection
Add-AzureSqlJobChildTarget -CustomCollectionName $customCollectionName -DatabaseName $databaseName -ServerName $databaseServerName
#Create the Scale up job
$jobName1 = "Your Scale Up Job Name"
$target = Get-AzureSqlJobTarget -CustomCollectionName $customCollectionName
$job = New-AzureSqlJob -JobName $jobName1 -CredentialName $credentialName -ContentName $scriptName -TargetId $target.TargetId
Write-Output $job
#Create the Scale down job
$jobName2 = "Your Scale Down Job Name"
$target = Get-AzureSqlJobTarget -CustomCollectionName $customCollectionName
$job = New-AzureSqlJob -JobName $jobName2 -CredentialName $credentialName -ContentName $scriptName2 -TargetId $target.TargetId
Write-Output $job
#These two lines can be used to test execution, commented out unless you want to use them
#$jobExecution = Start-AzureSqlJobExecution -JobName $jobName1
#Write-Output $jobExecution
#$jobExecution = Start-AzureSqlJobExecution -JobName $jobName2
#Write-Output $jobExecution
#Create our first schedule (Runs daily at 10 AM in the local time it was created)
$scheduleName1 = "10 AM Central Time Daily"
$DayInterval = 1
$startTime = (Get-Date "6/9/2016 10:00 AM").ToUniversalTime()
$schedule = New-AzureSqlJobSchedule -DayInterval $DayInterval -ScheduleName $scheduleName1 -StartTime $startTime
Write-Output $schedule
#Add the job and schedule to trigger
$jobTrigger = New-AzureSqlJobTrigger -ScheduleName $scheduleName1 –JobName $jobName1
Write-Output $jobTrigger
#Create our second schedule (Runs daily at 11 AM in the local time it was created)
$scheduleName2 = "11 AM Central Time Daily"
$DayInterval = 1
$startTime = (Get-Date "6/9/2016 11:00 AM").ToUniversalTime()
$schedule = New-AzureSqlJobSchedule -DayInterval $DayInterval -ScheduleName $scheduleName2 -StartTime $startTime
Write-Output $schedule
#Add the job and schedule to trigger (Round 2)
$jobTrigger = New-AzureSqlJobTrigger -ScheduleName $scheduleName2 –JobName $jobName2
Write-Output $jobTrigger