(Cloud) Tip of the Day: Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer preview
Today’s Tip…
Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (Preview) is a standalone app from Microsoft that allows you to easily work with Azure Storage data. The Preview release currently supports Azure Blobs only. Tables, queues, and files are coming soon.
- Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows versions (New in v0.7.20160107)
- Sign in to view your Storage Accounts – use your Org Account, Microsoft Account, 2FA, etc.
- Add Storage Accounts by account name and key, as well as custom endpoints (New in v0.7.20160107)
- Add Storage Accounts for Azure China (New in v0.7.20160107)
- Add blob containers with Shared Access Signatures (SAS) key (New in v0.7.20160107)
- Local development storage (use storage emulator, Windows-only)
- ARM and Classic resource support
- Create and delete blobs, queues, or tables
- Search for specific blobs, queues, or tables
- Explore the contents of blob containers
- View and navigate through directories
- Upload, download, and delete blobs and folders
- Open and view the contents text and picture blobs (New in v0.7.20160107)
- View and edit blob properties and metadata
- Generate SAS keys
- Manage and create Stored Access Policies (SAP)
- Search for blobs by prefix
- Drag ‘n drop files to upload or download
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