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(Cloud) Tip of the Day: Add licenses using PowerShell

Today’s (Cloud) Tip…

If you have Office 365, Intune, or Azure Active Directory subscriptions, you can assign licenses to your users using Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell.

Open Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell and connect to Azure Active Directory.
Connect to Azure AD Using Windows PowerShell

First thing you need to do is get the list of available Subscription ID's by running the following cmdlet.

Your results will look something like this…


Pick one that you want to assign to the user and run the following similar script.

Set-MsolUserLicense –UserPrincipalName –AddLicenses AccountSkuId

Here is an example of how it should look like…

Set-MsolUserLicense –UserPrincipalName –AddLicenses contoso:ENTERPRISEPACK
