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This week -- visits to a couple of Boston area colleges

I will be visiting both Harvard and MIT this coming week. I look forward to meeting any students with a passion for software interested in working at Microsoft full time.

  • MIT Wednesday Oct 19 @ Building 34, Room 101, Reception at 4:45pm, presentation at 5:00
  • Harvard Thursday Oct 20 @ Maxwell Dworkin G115, Reception at 6:15 pm, presentation at 6:30

Building Microsoft Office or what it is like to order pizza for 400,000,000 people

In this highly interactive talk you will see what it is like to design the next generation Microsoft Office and what it is like to design and build the interface that will be used by hundreds of millions of people. You will learn how a small team designed and developed a new metaphor for computer-human-interaction that improves upon the Xerox PARC developed metaphor of drop down menus and the decades old metaphor of toolbars. You will get a sneak preview of the new Office “12” product. There will be plenty of time to ask questions and learn about Microsoft and the different opportunities for you. No questions are off limits and all are welcome!



  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2005
    Thanks for the invitation. Do you pay the round trip ticket from Lebanon?
  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2005
    I’m really interested in coming to work for Microsoft, specifically in the Office group. With people like Chris Prately and Chris Kunicki, the Office group at Microsoft is amazing. I’m a recent college graduate and an MVP (snuck into your talk at the summit about the UI). I’ve already applied through the website but as a recent college graduate with out any professional experience my application is in limbo. I’d love to come and here your talk…and I hope I can make give really good talks.

    For more information about me:
  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2005
    Hi Steven:

    I think a lot of us would be interested in viewing a web-based version of your "Building Microsoft Office or what it is like to order pizza for 400,000,000 people" presentation.

    How about it?
  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2005
    Thanks Steven. That address is extremely familiar to me :) I've been an intern in Microsoft Lebanon (East Med) since December 2003. In 2 months, I will celebrate my 2 years as intern. I was referred to your blog by Chris Parley. I met him two days ago. It was around 21:00 and everyone had left the office. I introduced myself and he gave me the privilege of a 20-minute conversation during which we spoke about lots of stuff. What I was eager to know, is how it felt, if he could describe it by words, to develop a product that influences the work of half a billion person around the globe…how the slightest plus in the application, when used by all these people, adds up to make a great success influencing millions of people and businesses …and how the slightest mistake adds up to produce a tragedy…anyway…when I told Chris about my utmost determination of leaving to the US as soon as I graduate, he spoke to me about you and the great efforts you’re spending for recruiting the right people to Corp. He told me that I am in an excellent position since I’ve been in the company for 2 years and I can have excellent recommendations from my managers. He gave me your blog address and he told that if I write to you, you’d answer. Can you help? If you meet me well enough, you’ll know how much I am really worth it.

    I forgot to take Chris’s email. When you see him, please make sure to tell him that I thank him for taking the time to give me valuable career advices, for referring me to you and most importantly for his heartening and empowering words that wonderfully roused my ambition and my determination after the conversation. This guy really impressed me especially with his modesty and his care!

    Best, Fadi
  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2005
    I am a computer engineer and I'll keep in mind your Coffee/pizza offer when i visit Boston.

    You made a post on August 8th on the following topic "Do you have to be a computer science major to work on Microsoft products? NO you don't."

    So... next time, instead of saying:

    "However, if you are in the boston area I will buy pizza or coffee if you're a graduating computer science major :-) "

    You'd better say:

    "However, if you are in the boston area I will buy pizza or coffee if you're SOMEONE WITH GREAT PASSION FOR SOFTWARE:-) "


  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2005
    Except on this trip I am not going to buy coffee for everyone in boston with a passion for computer software!
  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2005
    how about coming to india sometime?
  • Anonymous
    October 17, 2005
    I definitely want to make it to India. We have many senior members of the team visiting India throughout the year and of course you can always contact our development facilities in India for opportunities.
  • Anonymous
    October 17, 2005
    can u give some info regarding whom to contact?i tried visiting india site but it is not much usefull.
  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
    Hardik -- give this a shot

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
    Second the request for a video of the event online. Stanford MBA student here, and someone with a big interest in Office 12 & HCI :)
  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
    Steven, Andy contacted me.

    Million Thanks
  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005

    I have some questions about the MBA in Stanford. I may be applying next year. Do you mind if I contact you?
  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
    Unfortunately I won't be able to tape this. However depending on teh school there is a good chance we can find a member of the team (or me) to present on campus at a recruiting event. Send me mail (contact form) if you want me to see if we can arrange this.

    If you are interested in the new user interface for Office you can check out Julie's video on channel9 or Jensen's blog on

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
    Fadi - I'd be glad to answer a few questions. Email me at nickforum at gmail

    Steven - I'm an avid reader to all the O12 blogs, and I've already forwarded them on to some of my profs. From what I've seen, including Julie's video, I'm quite excited. I'll let you know about recruiting - I had some questions re:careers so I'll shoot you an email at some pt.
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2005
    I attended your talk at MIT. It was an excellent discussion, and I was very impressed with Office 12. Keep up the good work, and thanks for taking the time to present to us!
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2005
    Nick, Thanks I will.

    Steve, since it's coming out with Windows VISTA, why don't you name it Office VISTA like you did with Office XP? How does this reflect on your sales and marketing?
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2005 the way, how were the presentations in MIT and Harvard?
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2005
    Really enjoyed your presentation at MIT.

    I'm very impressed with the UI update in Office 12 -- truly revolutionary (and very gutsy).

    I'm hoping that some of the UI widgets and metaphors will be made available through the Windows/.Net API so that developers of third-party applications can leverage the great work the Office team has done.

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2005
    Thanks Dharmesh!

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