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Vista SP1 RTM Released to TechNet Plus and MSDN Subscribers!

I won't get into this whole SP1 mine field as I think there has been enough back and forth on the blogs.  The interesting blogs I've read have been Mike Nash's Windows Vista blog that has been showered with customer feedback to some of our popular evangelists in the field like Keith Combs.

The press has also picked up on our accelerated delivery which is highlighted by the Computer World article.  The important thing in all this is that this was a world-wide dialogue between the field evangelists, product group in Redmond, TechNet team, MSDN team, audience marketing team, senior leadership, and most importantly, you, the customer.  We heard your cries, and some of us even yelled for you.  * Not me, I have a sore throat for an unrelated issue :) *

Our hope is that any trust we may have lost can be earned back over time.  This has definitely been a learning opportunity for everyone involved.




SP1 for TechNet Plus Subscribers

SP1 for MSDN Subscribers

Please note this is the update only. We are still working on accelerating the integrated install.

For more information, please refer to the TechNet Subscriptions Blog.
