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How To: Deploy Office Compatibility Pack with an MSI package

KB 952273

The Office Compatibility Pack has been available for a long time as a free EXE download, but some IT administrators needed to deploy the pack centrally via MSI and AD.  The natural question for these people was, “where is the MSI download?”

For one reason or another, an MSI download doesn’t exist but have no fear, here are the steps you need to take to get the MSI file.  HINT *it’s in the EXE*

  1. Create a new folder. For example, create C:\FileFormatConverters. Then, download the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats package to this folder. To download this package, visit the following Microsoft Web site: (

  2. Create a second folder. For example, create C:\FileFormatConvertersExtract. Then, extract the contents from the package to this folder. To do this, use one of the following procedures, as appropriate for your situation:

    • Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003
      Click Start, click Run, type the following command, and then click OK:

      C:\FileFormatConverters\FileFormatConverters.exe /extract:"C:\FileFormatConvertersExtract"

    • Windows Vista
      Click Start, type the following command in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER:

      C:\FileFormatConverters\FileFormatConverters.exe /extract:"C:\FileFormatConvertersExtract"

    The following files are extracted to the folder:

    • O12Conv.msi
    • Readme.htm
    • \Catalog\
  3. Create a third folder. For example, create C:\FileFormatConvertersSP1. Then, download the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack Service Pack 1 (SP1) package to this folder. To download this package, visit the following Microsoft Web site: (

  4. Create a fourth folder. For example, create C:\FileFormatConvertersSP1Extract. Then, extract the contents from the package to this folder. To do this, use one of the following procedures, as appropriate for your situation:

    • Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003
      Click Start, click Run, type the following command, and then click OK:

      C:\FileFormatConvertersSP1\compatibilitypacksp1-kb940289-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:"C:\FileFormatConvertersSP1Extract"

    • Windows Vista
      Click Start, type the following command in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER:

      C:\FileFormatConvertersSP1\compatibilitypacksp1-kb940289-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:"C:\FileFormatConvertersSP1Extract"

    The following files are extracted to the C:\FileFormatConvertersSP1Extract folder:

    • O12Convsp1-en-us.msp
    • SupplementalEula_OfficeCompatibilityPack_en-us.txt
  5. Silently install the Office Compatibility Pack together with the Office Compatibility Pack Service SP1. To do this, use one of the following procedures, as appropriate for your situation:

    • Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
      Click Start, click Run, type the following command, and then click OK:

      msiexec /i "C:\FileFormatConvertersExtract \O12Conv.msi" patch="C:\FileFormatConvertersSP1Extract \O12Convsp1-en-us.msp" /qb

      Note The qb switch combination will display the basic UI during the installation.

    • Windows Vista
      Click Start, type the following in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER:

      msiexec /i "C:\FileFormatConvertersExtract \O12Conv.msi" patch="C:\FileFormatConvertersSP1Extract\O12Convsp1-en-us.msp" /qb

      Note The qb switch combination will display the basic UI during the installation.
      Note On Windows Vista, a User Account Control (UAC) dialog box appears. For more information about this Windows Vista security feature and about how to control it, visit the following Microsoft Web site: (