Web 2.0 in 270 seconds
It gets a little bit techie at times but I LOVE this video that attempts to explain Web 2.0 in a funky short video. Cool muzak too! It's a response to this earlier video.
There is an Orwellian moment in there but not quite so worrying as these two videos:
February 05, 2007
myITforum Daily Newsletter Daily Newsletter February 5, 2007 The myITforum.com newsletter is deliveredAnonymous
February 05, 2007
Very interesting. Like to see more about XAML/AjaxAnonymous
July 11, 2007
As promised earlier, my slides from my WPC session today. The presentation was meant to be a fairly lightAnonymous
July 11, 2007
As promised earlier, my slides from my WPC session today. The presentation was meant to be a fairly light