Quick Steps to setup Enterprise Portal in a cluster
- Set Up NLB cluster with 2 Win2003 servers (server1 server2)
- Install IIS & ASP.NET 2.0 on both servers
- Install WSS on both servers
- Deploy EP on both server
- Set the APP pool to use BC proxy account and set the trust level in web.config
- Server1: created the config database and extended the default website to create content database
- Server2: connected to the config created by Server1 and chose to: ‘Extend and map to another virtual server’ where we connected to the website on Server1
- Create EP site in Server1 and grant UserRelation Web Access in AX.
March 06, 2007
can you plese send me a detailed setup and how does it work.Anonymous
September 20, 2007
i am a bigner for axapta web but i know the other,and i have just started by installing all necessary software like sharepoint and EP, but when i try to create website from EP wizard,it doesn't work,what can i do??? thanks in advance