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Teaching Kids to Program with SmallBasic - Screencasts

I’ve been working on developing more and better material to use to teach kids to program with SmallBasic.  To that end, LLewellyn Falco and I have recorded the first few sessions in a series of screencasts about these methods.

These screencasts include the following:

1) How to get set up, i.e. install SmallBasic and SmallBasic Extensions
2) How to code your first SmallBasic recipe from the SmallBasic wiki
3) How to code your first SmallBasic recipe variations

Enjoy!  We welcome feedback on this methodology (i.e. recipes and variations) as we are intending to create courseware for much more than one hour introductory events in 2010 (such as Digigirlz and TeachCamp).  We envision creating this courseware for a one-year introductory program  ‘Introduction to Programming’ for kids ages 10 to 17.  Let us know how you think we are doing!

Screencast – How to get setup

Screencast – Coding your first recipe in SmallBasic

Screencast – Coding recipe variations

Happy holidays and happy coding!