Moving the SMSPKGC$ share to a different drive
The day may come when you find that you need to move the package share (SMSPKGC$) to a different drive - say from the C: drive to the D: drive, and you don't want to have to recreate any existing packages or advertisements. Should that day come, Rob Morris wrote up some steps you can follow to get that done:
- Stop SMS_Executive and SMS_SITE_COMPONENT services
- Open Computer Management
- Go to the existing SMSPKGC$ folder, which in our example is on the C drive
- Document the existing share and security permissions: Share = Everyone (Full) / Security (not inherited) = Administrators (Full Control), Users (Read & Execute), Guests (Read & Execute)
- Document the permissions of package folders and files: Administrators (Full) / Users (SiteServer\Users) - Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read
- Right-click the package share (SMSPKGC$) and select Stop Sharing
- Copy the SMSPKGC$ folder to the new drive, which in our example is the D drive
- Recreate the permissions as they existed in steps 4 and 5 above
- Highlight D:\SMSPKGC$, right-click and select Sharing and Security.
- Select Share this folder - Keep share name (SMSPKGC$)
- Select Permissions and give "Everyone" Full Control of the share.
- Go to the Security Tab and verify that the permissions are the same as what was recorded in step 4.
- Go to the new package folder and verify that the permissions on the folder and files are the same as what was recorded in step 5
- Restart the SMS_Executive and SMS_SITE_COMPONENT services
That's it!
Note that the permissions outlined above were the permissions in my test environment, so those in your environment may be different. It is also recommended that the D: have more free disk space than C: at all times. Another option would be to place the NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS file on the C: drive to prevent SMS from placing any components on that drive in the future.
- How to specify the NTFS volume that a Systems Management Server 2003 remote site system is installed on:
- SMS Log Files:
Thanks Rob!
J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
thank you - Anonymous
March 10, 2014
After doing all the above steps, we will have to update the IIS with the correct path for the SMSPKGC$ virtual directory.
Reconfigure IIS to point to the new location:
Open IIS=>Default Website, and select the name of the folder.
In the right pane, select Basic Settings.
If the old location is listed, update to the new location.
Change to the new physical location
Click OK, then Restart the Default WebSite - Anonymous
October 07, 2014
Also afterwards remove C:SMSPKGC$-OLD