WS Interoperability Tip of the Week. What's wrong with this?
This week's tip is in two parts. First comes the question:
Scenario: You are creating your first Web service. You have been told to create a service that accepts a price (which for this example can be a float) and return a boolean. You are working in Java, but you know that you want to expose the Web service to a number of .NET clients. Interoperability of this service is key to the success of the project.
You start by creating your method:
public boolean MyWebMethod(float price)
//some code goes here
return true;
Although technically this may work, there are potentially two things wrong with this approach - especially if you are designing with interoperability in mind. What?
Answer tomorrow...
- Anonymous
May 17, 2004
Probably the 'boolean' and 'float' data types are not spec-compliant?
Or 'true' is platform dependent on its numeric value?
Or is it that "Java"-thing that's wrong to you? :-D - Anonymous
May 17, 2004
the problem is with the mapping of the java primitive types to c# types
this document explains it better than i will ever be able to
<i>scroll down a bit to find the solution</i>