Small Quest Revealed - Small Basic Featured Program
I introduced this project in a former blog post. Today I will write about the alpha (demo) version of Small Quest - a text base adventure game.
This project is run by PhilipRocker and me.
Small Quest is a game written in Small Basic. And is developed via CodePlex. The latest version can be download from here.
Following image is a screen shot of this game.
And here are the release notes:
Small Quest
Version 0.6.04a
- This version is for demo.
- CONTINUE is not supported yet.
- HELP is not supported yet.
- has only a short story.
- Bug fixed - #4 Game Menu language is not changed
- A line of scenario changed.
This program was compiled with Small Basic v1.1. So, if you'd like to run this program in Small Basic v1.0, please [Open] SmallQuest.smallbasic and [Run] it.
Following two files are runtime executables.
- SmallBasicLibrary.dll
- SmallQuest.exe
These files and folders are needed to run this program.
- [image]
- [scenario]
- en-US.dat
- jp-JA.dat
- pt-BR.dat
Following file is the source code.
- SmallQuest.smallbasic
Other components:
- (Loading)
- Game (Game Menu - COMBINED)
- (Language - COMBINED)
- ColorDesign.smallbasic (Color Design)
Thank you Dinomite07 for developing this game.
Please leave your comments about Small Quest. We'd like to hear about them and that will be appreciated for the future of this project. Thanks.
June 29, 2015
Estou muito feliz por estarmos desenvolvendo esse jogo Nonki, sei que com, esforços, vamos conseguir deixar esse jogo ainda melhor . Minha intenção é transmitir conhecimentos de Small Basic. através do Small Quest e juntos vamos conseguir. Muito o brigado Nonki por estar fazendo, uma pequena ideia minha, se tornar realidade. Espero que todos os leitores gostem e baixem o jogo, isso seria muito gratificante!Anonymous
June 30, 2015
This is an awesome game! Great job, guys!Anonymous
June 30, 2015
Obrigado Ninja - Ed Preço.