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Small Basic Contest Winners!!! - TechNet Wiki Content

A few weeks ago I announced the Small Basic on TechNet Wiki Contest. Last week I provided an update.

Today we're going to announce our winners!


The Microsoft judges were Mike H, Ray FAST, and me.

The first category is Best Article. We're looking for articles that are thorough, visually clear (images might help, but aren't necessary), and well written.

Here are the top 3 winners...

Liam McSherry's avatar


1. Liam McSherry for Small Basic: How to Create an Extension Using C#

It's clean, well written, and very useful for the more advanced Small Basic users, for developers who want to extend the language.  


Nonki Takahashi's avatar


2. Nonki Takahashi for Small Basic: How to Debug

It's also very clean, thorough, easy to read, and makes good use of images and code.

A special mention goes to another excellent article from Nonki, Small Basic: Control Statements.

For those who don't know, Nonki also made a Small Basic program that generates a code block specifically designed to insert Small Basic code into places like TechNet Wiki. Check out his Code Block Generator v1.3, and the TechNet Wiki article he wrote about it.


3. Gungan37 for Using the Joysticks / Game Controllers Extension for Microsoft Small Basic

Also very clean and good use of code, it's a milestone for the first Small Basic article that explains an extension in depth! 

Special thanks go to Liam for helping contribute to the article.


Thanks go out to everyone else who wrote articles and everyone who helped edit the articles and make them better! Our winner (Liam) will receive an interview on this blog and a blog post that features his article. Here are the resulting blog posts for Liam...



Our second contest was the Best Contributor of the two week period. This is to acknowledge other important contributions to Small Basic content on TechNet Wiki... spelling corrections, grammar corrections, space formatting, adding tags, adding images, adding sections/scenarios/information, adding links to other Wiki articles, translating articles into other languages, updating information with current links/product names/details, and more!


Nonki Takahashi's avatar


   1. Nonki Takahashi


   2. Gungan37


Luigi Bruno's avatar


   3. Luigi Bruno


The prize for best contributor will be a blog post that's more dedicated to some of Nonki's contributions. Here is the resulting blog post for Nonki:


Thank you to everyone who has contributed, and jump on in! The Wiki is warm!

   - Tall Basic Ed


See Also
