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Small Basic Challenges of the Month - March 2015

These challenges are intended for people who are learning to program for the first time or for those returning to programming who want to start using Small Basic. Some will be easy, some will be hard - but they will all make you think, and more importantly be GREAT FUN!

Please post your solutions / partial solutions / questions / feedback etc. into this thread that will remain 'sticky' for the month. The only rule is that your solution must use standard Small Basic methods (no extensions).

It would be good if people could post their problems with these challenges so that a discussion can start so that everyone can learn from each other.

Also post feedback on the kind of challenges that you want to see more of in the future.

Text Challenges

  • Write a program to CAPITALISE the first letter of each word in a sentence.
  • Write a program the center some text in the GraphicsWindow or in the TextWindow.

Graphics Challenge

  • Write a program to draw a spriagraph picture.

Image result for spirograph

Math Challenges

  • Write a program to validate a credit card number, see this link.
  • Write an equation solver that can solve the following two simultaneous equations for x an y when the user enters the coefficients A, B, C and D, E, F.

Ax + By = C and Dx + Ey = F

Game Challenge

  • Write a battleships game.  You will need to consider how it will work with 2 players or play against the computer.

Community Suggestion (By Nonki)

  • Draw a picture of doll[s].

Community Suggestion (By Coding Cat)

  • Easy: A real time countdown lock.
  • Hard: Using the countdown clock as a theme for a game.

Do you have an idea for a future challenge? Please post it here!  

Special thanks to LitDev for hosting these contests!

Have a Small and Basic weekend!

   - Ninja Ed


  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2015
    I laughed at the challenge of drawing a picture of dolls. Seems like fun!