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Help us prioritize your Small Basic 1.1 Known Issues (Bugs) and Feature Ideas!!!

Thank you everyone for your feedback about Small Basic!

First, you can check out the Microsoft Small Basic 1.1 Release Notes to see what's new in Small Basic!

We've been gathering known issues and feature ideas from you here: Microsoft Small Basic v1.0: Known Issues.


And now we want your help prioritizing some of these Known Issues and Feature Ideas!

Please take this survey:


In the survey, the first page lays out all the Known Issues that we haven't fixed yet. You get to vote for your top 5. This helps us understand what has the biggest impact on what you do!

In the second page, you can vote for your top 5 feature ideas.


And if you have another bug or idea that's not on the list, then you can write it in!

Thank you in advance for your help!


Small and Basically yours,

   - Ninja Ed


  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2015
    perspective 3d example code: FMZ241 usage: use mouse wheel to adjust angle, ctrl+wheel oher angle, move mouse around to see results and different perspectives

  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2015
    Wow, that's fantastic! Great job, Qwxx!

  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2015
    Note that the program above from Qwxx requires the LitDev extension. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2015
    will there be support for touch devices and multitouch in sb 1.2?

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2015
    a wish list for features:

  • local vars
  • consts and percompiler replace( like c++)
  • subs w variables (like ldcall.function) -a treelist of all subs and vars (like lddebug)
  • better support for tablet and win10 devices, multitouch detection
  • hiding procs and program modules
  • $I include statement, and USES/Import clause for dll-s
  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2015
    and also making ld a standard included xtension))

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2015
    also introducing aliases as in unix would make long progs appear smaller and easier to read an optional button to expand/shrink aliases also welcome! SELECT CASE w'd be also a nice thing to intoduce)) example: with aliases turned ON: aliases can be held in external file like C.h define header files in file #adef _gw      as GraphicsWindow #adef _Endif  as } #adef _call    as LDcall.function(" #adef _then  as { #adef _gwbk as gw.Background #adef _rnd    as math.getrandomnumber #EndAdef ' the _ references to obligatoty space or empty char, thus can't be mistaken referencing  e.g. hgw for gw $I gw.title="test" a=rnd(10) a=rnd(20) args=0 if a>b {           gw.Drawtext(10,10,"Test else          gw.Drawtext(10,10,"Rest } call Test,a*b Sub test gw.Drawtext(10,10,"Testing "+args[1] Endsub 'note the exclusion of unnecessary ()  ) and " chars

same with aliases turned OFF:

GraphicsWindow.Title="Test" a=math.GetRandomNumber(10) b=math.GetRandomNumber(10) args=0 If a>b then GraphicsWindow.DrawText(10,10,"Test")   Else GraphicsWindow.DrawText(10,10,"Rest")     endif LDCall.Function("test",a*b) Sub test  GraphicsWindow.DrawText(10,10,"Testing"+args[1]) EndSub  

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2015
    "will there be support for touch devices and multitouch in sb 1.2?" No we're currently looking at some App Store support for beyond 1.2 (not sure version yet). What would your top requests be for "multitouch" for you? Because the truth is that I multitouch on Small Basic now, so we need to dig deeper on what it means to you... supported platforms, devoted app, what makes something "touch"able, etc. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2015
    It's a little clearer here: "better support for tablet and win10 devices, multitouch detection" So Windows 10? What tablet platforms? Multitouch detection... meaning what? Because as I mentioned, we can multitouch now. So the question is: what are the multitouch applications you're comparing it to, and what are the desired features? Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2015
    "and also making ld a standard included xtension))" Can you describe how the ID would work? Would it be a Small Basic object? Is this regarding a LitDev Extension object? Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2015
    "- hiding procs and program modules" Can you describe this one more? Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2015
    yes, as standard sb object, without additional instalation maybe combining ldmath and math together in one lib, and so on

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2015
    i found somewhere a multimouse support for w7, but it was years ago. now i believe that it's included in w10 kernel, at least 2 "mouse" points till max 10 touch points. 2 points is enough for 2-finger zoom, rotate and so on... w'd be a great experience to include it in sb 1.2, isn't it?

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2015
    if u worked in vb or vc studio u c'd see that every sub or func is listed as a treenode. thus u can show and hide unnecessary subs. it reduces time to scrool program list and make faster finding and focusing on current programming task))

  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2015
    Treenodes... ah yes. This is Feature Idea #14: Code Folding. We're definitely looking at it. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2015
    Multi-touch... Essentially what we'd need is to develop for some multi-touch gestures. Currently we just have a mouse click. 2-finger zoom (like in web browsers like IE and Chrome). This one I understand. I use it in browsers a lot. Rotate... What would you rotate? You mean in a program or game you made? Currently, touch and drag easily selects a lot of code. Is this expected? Or would you want it to scroll the screen as the priority, as it does in most WYSIWYGs and in Word? Word gives you little circles to try to select text with (pretty difficult). WYSIWYGs are even worse. You can't select text at all. You can touch and hold, and that brings up a square and selects a single word. But you'll need to use your virtual keyboard. So the Small Basic touch and hold to select is pretty nice... it's nice to not have to worry about how to select text. But it would be nice to have the scrolling too. What other gestures would you expect? Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2015
    it is just expected u implement array of mouse points for detected touch point sample: graphicwindow.mousex[1]..graphicwindow.mousex[n] 1..n stands for touch node then we can try other code writting and solutions...

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2015
    Okay. Thanks, QWX!

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2015
    2 more helpful suggestions have come in on the forum: 1: help with ensuring the correct version of .NET is installed. Perhaps this can be checked during installation and the installer could assist if it needs upgrading. 2: accessible documentation: maybe this could be prompted during installation as well. Just mentioning .NET and what it is and perhaps recommend some good getting started resources