Cartesian and Polar Coordinates in Small Basic
I introduced a Small Basic sample code about 2-dimensional vector in my last blog. A 2-D vector has two elements. A point in the plane has x coordinate and y coordinate. This kind of coordinate is called Cartesian coordinates.
Today, I'd like to introduce another coordinate system - polar coordinates. In polar coordinates, a point is represented with r (the length from the origin) and θ (the angle between the vector and the x axis). A sample program TJB764 shows both coordinates.
Conversion from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
This is easy.
Small Basic code is as follows. A variable a means θ above.
x `` = `` r `` * ``Math``.``Cos``(``a``)
y `` = `` r `` * ``Math``.``Sin``(``a``)
Conversion from Cartesian coordinates to polar coodinates
This is basically easy.
Small Basic code is:
Sub ``Math_CartesianToPolar
``' Math | convert Cartesian coodinate to polar coordinate
``' param x, y - Cartesian coordinate
``' return r, a - polar coordinate (0<=a<360)
`` r `` = ``Math``.``SquareRoot``(`` x `` * `` x `` + `` y `` * ``y``)
`` If `` x `` = `` 0 `` And `` y `` > `` 0 ``Then
`` a `` = `` 90 ``' [degree]
`` ElseIf `` x `` = `` 0 `` And `` y `` < `` 0 ``Then
`` a `` = ``-``90
`` ElseIf `` x `` = `` 0 `` Then ``' this condition is needed for SB 1.2
`` a `` = ``0
`` a `` = ``Math``.``ArcTan``(`` y `` / ``x`` ) `` * `` 180 `` / ``Math``.``Pi
`` If `` x `` < `` 0 ``Then
`` a `` = `` a `` + ``180
`` ElseIf `` x `` > `` 0 `` And `` y `` < `` 0 ``Then
`` a `` = `` a `` + ``360
I already wrote about this subroutine in this blog titled Small Basic Game Programming - Game Math. But the last one causes divide by zero error in Small Basic 1.2.
Math function tan-1 is Math.ArcTan() operation in Small Basic. The graph of this operation is: