Calling all Small Basic Gurus!! It's time to MARCH into the history books!
It's another month, and another chance to find... the one!
That special person who brings us... the knowledge!
That thing we didn't know.
That revelation that saves us so much bandwidth on the search tool.
Clear and concise revelations that bring us closer to our goal!
You have that power my friends!
Step forth with words of wisdom!
Step up and let us know your name!
Carve your mark on the community... and history!
MARCH forth and win glory, fame, love honour and immortality!!!! (in the form of the written word... kind of...)
All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something you had to solve for your own day's work today.
Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to TechNet Wiki.
2) Add a link to it on THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed) <----
3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
Below are last month's mighty winners and contenders!
Thanks in advance!
- Anonymous
March 18, 2016
Hi Ed ,I tried 2 times to write and article on Technet Wiki, but without success, there is something i must do wrong ?my article tilte: how to play musical chords in Small Basic Yvan Leducthe second time i tried is today at 22:30 hres Est Canada time - Anonymous
March 21, 2016
Yvan, here it is: - Anonymous
March 21, 2016
I think what happens is sometimes the Wiki puts you on a different page, so you might have to search for the article or find it in one of the lists. We'll try to get that fixed though. Thanks! - Anonymous
March 21, 2016
Great job on your article, Yvan! - Anonymous
March 21, 2016
Yvan, I added your article onto the TechNet Guru page here: