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BUILD, publication schedules, and request for feedback

It’s build week, and that means that Brian and I are anticipating some exciting announcements about the Windows Azure platform this week. We'll be watching closely and will share anything that relates to OSS or device development on the Windows Azure platform. (For closer to real-time updates, follow us on twitter: @larry_franks and @brian_swan.) In the meantime, here is a tentative list of the topics we are working on for the next couple of weeks:


  • Using ActiveRecord with SQL Azure
  • Using the AppFabric Service Bus with Ruby
  • Using Ruby to scale an application deployed to Windows Azure


  • Automating deployment and management with the Windows Azure SDK for PHP
  • Scaling applications with the Windows Azure SDK for PHP
  • Accessing SQL Azure with the SQL Server Driver for PHP


  • Sample multi-user application using Azure technologies


  • I’m learning Node.js in my spare time, and will post how to do things with Windows Azure and Node.js as I figure them out.

Request for feedback

Since Brian and I both work at Microsoft in the documentation group, we tend to operate on theory most of the time. We try to identify what people are interested in accomplishing with technology XY&Z by talking to developers, reading forums, mailing lists, twitter, etc. We then figure out how to accomplish this and write about it. So we don’t know exactly what it is that you’re interested in unless we hear from you. Feel free to reach out and tell us if there’s anything specific you’re interested in with regards to using Open Source languages and technologies on Windows Azure.

Also, how do you think we've been doing so-far? There haven't been a lot of comments to our posts, so I'm wondering whether they're useful or not.  You can reach us through comments here on the blog or through Twitter at @larry_franks or @brian_swan.