A New Kind of Data Need for a New Kind of Retailer
eWeek has an interesting article about the challenges that manufacturers have in using granular POS data that provides store-level insights about product movement and shopper behavior. Click here.
"... It's clear that the sharing of more granular store and shopper data is in its infancy. Few retailers release store-level POS data directly," the report said. "Store-level POS data enables manufacturers to tailor replenishment tactics, resulting in higher in-stocks and the capability to handle local assortments and promotions. But only 19 percent of retailers release store-level POS data on a regular or extensive basis. More than half don't share it at all."
The report added that even fewer share market basket data, which would help manufacturers influence pricing in niche locations. "Nearly two out of three retailers keep market basket data to themselves," the report said. ... "