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.NET Security Blog

The best part about today ...

... the availability of peanut butter cups 6 2/3 times bigger than normal. The best part about...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 02/14/2006

SN v2.0 Works With PFX Files

One enhancement to the v2.0 SN tool that may not get noticed right away is that it now has the...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 02/14/2006

What Happens If Security Policy Files Are Missing?

We've previously discussed where the security policy files are located on your disk. Depending on...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 02/09/2006

Which Package are the Security Tools In?

When installing the v2.0 .NET redist package, you'll find that the .Net Configuration MMC snap-in is...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 02/08/2006

Deny and PermitOnly Are Not For Sandboxing

Deny and PermitOnly cannot be used to create an effective sandbox because like Assert, they function...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 02/02/2006

UAC Policy Settings

The new UAC blog (formerly LUA, formerly UAP) has up a good post on the six security policy settings...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 01/27/2006

Detecting that You're Running in a ClickOnce Application

In my last post, I mentioned that application scoped isolated storage only works if you're running...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 01/20/2006

Isolated Storage and ClickOnce

Isolated storage introduced a new scope in v2.0 of the CLR to work with ClickOnce applications....

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 01/18/2006

How Do You Customize Your Policy?

As part of planning for our next release, we're interested in collecting some data on how you...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 01/12/2006

LinkDemands and InheritenceDemands Occur at JIT Time

We previously saw that the SkipVerification demand for calling a method with unverifiable code...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 01/11/2006

PrincipalPermission and Finalizers

Nicole Calinoiu, one of our developer security MVPs, has just posted a good description of the...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 01/09/2006

Mike Rousos on Registry Security

Over the weekend, Mike Rousos (a BCL tester who's been temporarily drafted onto the security team)...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 01/09/2006

RSACryptoServiceProvider::Encrypt Does Not Provide Deterministic Output

On one of our internal mailing lists, someone was recently surprised that calling...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 01/05/2006

Debugging ADMHost

A few people have noticed that the ADMHost sample is not set up to do mixed mode debugging by...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 01/05/2006

Happy Holidays

It's that time of year again when most of the offices around Microsoft start going dark, and I'll be...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 12/19/2005

What Do You Want to See in Crypto / ClickOnce?

Now that Whidbey's out the door, it's time to look at what we want to do in future releases. If...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 12/15/2005

New and Improved Security in the .NET Framework 2.0

To add to our other lists of "What's New in Whidbey Security", Rudolph Araujo and Shanit Gupta have...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 12/15/2005

Process Requires FullTrust

The Process class has a LinkDemand and an InheritenceDemand for FullTrust on it. This means that if...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 12/14/2005

Authenticode and Assemblies

The general concepts of Authenticode signing an assembly are well understood -- they mostly...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 12/13/2005

A Look at the Xbox 360 CPU Design

Jeffery Brown has posted his paper on the Xbox 360 CPU Design from the Fall Processor Forum over on...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 12/12/2005

CryptEncrypt and RSACryptoServiceProvider::Encrypt

The RSACryptoServiceProvider class provides two methods, Encrypt and Decrypt which seem to be the...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 12/05/2005

Why Can't I See My Partially Trusted ClickOnce Applications in Task Manager?

If you're developing a partial trust ClickOnce application and are looking for its process in Task...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 11/30/2005

Where Does the Stack Walk Start or: Why Do Demands from Main Always Succeed?

When starting to play with CAS a lot of people come up with toy programs that simply do a Demand for...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 11/28/2005

Finding the Source Code for an Assembly

Sometimes, especially when working on large projects (such as, I don't know, say ... the CLR), you...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 11/22/2005

All About RSAParameters

The RSA class exposes an ExportParameters method which allows you to get at the raw RSA key in the...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 11/17/2005

Don't Roundtrip Ciphertext Via a String Encoding

One common mistake that people make when using managed encryption classes is that they attempt to...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 11/10/2005

What can an ApplicationTrust tell us about an AppDomain

In v2.0, there is a new ApplicationTrust property on the AppDomain class. This property will be...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 11/08/2005

Comments in the blog

Eric just pointed out to me that no comments appear to be showing up in my blog recently. I had...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 11/04/2005

Adding SignatureProperties to SignedXml

One of the optional portions of the W3C XML digital signature specification allows for a set of...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 11/03/2005

Debugging Lightweight CodeGen in VS

Haibo just posted about his debugger visualizer for dynamic methods. This is a pretty sweet piece of...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/25/2005

Using Host Protection

Yesterday we looked at what host protection is and what it does. Today lets modify the ADMHost...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/13/2005

Host Protection

One of our new Whidbey hosting features is called Host Protection -- basically it allows an...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/12/2005

MSDN Security Issue

The annual MSDN Security Issue is now out, in addition to containing my article on hosting untrusted...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/12/2005

Exploring the ADMHost Sample

When I first talked about AppDomainManagers, I mentioned that there were three ways to set them up....

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/06/2005

New Security Features in Visual Studio 2005

Brian Johnson has a new article on MSDN about New Security Features in Visual Studio 2005....

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/06/2005

Tour the CLR Security Team

Mike and I have been spending time this week meeting with the Visual Developer Security MVPs --...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/01/2005

Discover Techniques for Safely Hosting Untrusted Add-Ins with the .NET Framework 2.0

The MSDN Magazine site just put up my article, Do You Trust It? Discover Techniques for Safely...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/26/2005

Transparency and Member Visibility

Before PDC we were talking a bit about security transparency, namely what it is and how to use it....

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/21/2005

Using Add-Ins with a ClickOnce Deployed Application

One of the attendees at the PDC had an interesting question combining ClickOnce and Add-Ins....

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/16/2005

RequestOptional Removes Permissions

Another interesting question arose today. An assembly was granted FullTrust by policy, which was...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/14/2005

Creating Partial Trust Directories

Last night at the Writing Partial Trust Code BoF, someone was wondering if they could create a sort...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/14/2005

PDC '05: Quote of the Day

The day's winding down now, and I'm getting ready to head to Keith's BoF's Writing Secure Code and...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/13/2005

PDC '05: Lunch with Apple

Just got back from lunch with a group from Apple. After checking the rule book, it turns out that no...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/13/2005

PDC '05: Let There Be Light

After spending the beginning of the morning in the Fundamentals Lounge, I went up to see Keith...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/12/2005

PDC '05: Developer Powered

I'll be heading down to Los Angeles this Sunday to take part in my first PDC. I'm going to spend...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/09/2005

Marking Your Code Transparent

Last week I discussed the concepts of security transparency and security critical code. Now it's...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/09/2005

1 # 2 # GUI for modifying MDBG options 3 4 import sys 5...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/02/2005

1 # 2 # Display the threads, locals, and app domains of the processes being debugged...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/02/2005

IronPython + MDbg = good times

Mike Stall recently completed a project to embed IronPython into the MDbg debugger as an MDbg...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/02/2005

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