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Remote Wipe Now and MDM Alerter troubleshooting - Part 2

In my last post I discussed the basics of Remote Wipe, and some steps to take to ensure if it is working or not. In this second part, we will get more detailed on how to troublehoot Device Wipe.


1. Troubleshooting with the Device Log

Once you have confirmed that the conditions in 1-3(described in the previous post) are not the case, you can turn on device logging in order to narrow down the problem. The easiest way to turn on device logging is by using the SCMDM 2008 Resource Kit client tools, located here:


1. Enable Alerter client logging

a. Download the client tools from the above location

b. Unzip to a location on your computer.

c. Once you have unzipped this file, connect your device to the computer via a cable

d. Transfer the MDMConnectNow.CAB (located in the MDMResourceKit\MDMClientTools\MDMConnectNow folder) to the device.

e. Disconnect your device from the computer.

f. On the device, navigate to the location where you transferred the MDMConnectNow.CAB. Click on the MDMConnectNow.CAB and install it.

g. Once installed, go to the Start Menu and then All Programs. Run the MDMConnectNow tool.

h. Choose Menu >> Logging

i. Under logging, check the “Enable Alerter Log” check box

j. Once you check that box, below in the dropdown box, you must also select Alerter (without this it will not work).

k. Now Alerter logging is enabled and it will write a log to ./deviceupdate.log on the device.


2. Once you have Alerter logging enabled, issue a wipe from the Mobile Device Manager Console, the MDM shell, or the Self Service Portal. Mark the time that the wipe was issued.


3.  Look for the presence of 5506 or 5507 event IDs on the Gateway Server (as in the section “Check the Event Log on the MDM Gateway” above. Mark the time for the 5507(s) or 5506(s).


4. Once you see a 5506 or 5507 event on the Gateway for the device, transfer the deviceupdate.log to a computer from the device. You must do this before the wipe happens or you will lose all the tracing information.


5. Open the client logging file on the computer in a text reading program like Notepad.


6. Search for the following terms in the document:

a. “Rejecting packet” –   See below for Rejected packets

b. “Received push with timestamp” and “Accepting packet” -- See below for Successful packets section

c. No “Received push with timestamp” in the log


a. Rejected Packets

If you see the text “Rejecting packet”  in the Alerter log, it means that the Alerter was rejecting the packet because the source address did not match the expected address.


Seeing this in the logs is actually a good sign, in that the Alerts are getting to the device, but they are being rejected.


In the log it will give the expected source IP (The IP address that the Mobile VPN client is communicating with) and the actual IP (The IP address that the packet came from). A mismatch here generally indicates one of two issues:

· There is a routing problem on the VPN Gateway

· There is a network element between the Gateway and the device performing Network Address Translation for the Gateway external IP address


· Check Again for a NAT in front of the GW

Check the actual IP address in the log? Is this address known to you? Does it look like something is performing a NAT on the Gateway IP?


Remove the NAT and try the wipe again.

· Check the routing on the Gateway

There may be an issue with the routing on the Gateway. Perform the following steps to diagnose the problem.



Determine the Address Pool

1. On a machine with the Administrator Tools installed on the corporate network, open the MDM Shell.

2. Run Get-MDMGatewayServer

3. For the Gateway Server(s) where devices are connecting, obtain the address pool which should be in the form of something like: {}. It may contain multiple values.

Determine the routes on the Gateway Server

4. Log into the Gateway Server machine(s)

5. Open a Command Prompt on the Gateways and run the following command


>route print

6. The above command will print out a list of routes like the following:

>route print

IPv4 Route Table


Interface List





Active Routes:

Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric


 aaa.54.44.1 aaa.54.44.33 1
 aaa.54.44.1 aaa.54.44.33 1 aaa.54.44.32 aaa.54.44.33 1



Persistent Routes:

  Network Address Netmask Gateway Address Metric

    aaa.23.64.227 aaa.54.44.1 1

     aaa.27.52.13 aaa.54.44.1 1

     aaa.27.52.33 aaa.54.44.1 1

    aaa.29.28.102 aaa.54.44.1 1

    aaa.29.28.136 aaa.54.44.1 1


7. Look in the Active routes for routes with a Network Destination that matches the address pool(s) obtained in Step 3 above.

8. There should be only 1 route to each of the device address pool(s) configured on your Gateway(s). That route should go through the external interface on the Gateway.

For example if a Gateway has the following interfaces:

o aaa.54.44.33 – external interface

o bbb.192.0.1 – internal interface


The below is a correct route because it goes through the external aaa.54.44.33 interface:

Active Routes:

Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric
 aaa.54.44.1 aaa.54.44.33 1

The below is an incorrect route because it goes through the internal bbb.192.0.1 interface:

Active Routes:

Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric
 aaa.54.44.1 bbb.192.0.1 1

The below is incorrect as well. Although there is a route correctly through the external interface, there is also one through the internal interface.

Active Routes:

Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric
 aaa.54.44.1 aaa.54.44.33 1
 aaa.54.44.1 bbb.192.0.1 1

9. You can reboot the Gateway server and recheck the route. If the incorrect route still remains, you can correct the route using the “route” command. Run “route” at the command prompt for more information.


10. Also check for incorrect routes in the Persistent Routes section.


11. Once the routing is correct, try the troubleshooting steps again.

b. Successful Push Packet

If you see successfully received push packets to the Alerter it means that Alerts are getting to the device and they are being processed.

If you are still having issues with the wipe request and the time it is taking, you can check the Device Management server to ensure that it is functioning as expected.


c. No Successful Push packet in the log

If you do not see any successful push packets in the log, it means that the device is not receiving any alert requests. Check the routing on the Gateway by following the “Check the routing on the Gateway” steps above.


Check the networking between the Gateway server and the device and correct any networking issues.

Ideally, Remote Wipe Now should work smoothly. In the event there are problems, these steps should help you determine the cause.


Marc McClure

Program Manager

Mobile Information Worker