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How to connect to SBS 2008 domain clients using RWA from a remote Windows 8 computer

[Today’s post comes to us courtesy of Charanjeet Singh and Rituraj Choudhary from Commercial Technical Support]

After you login to a Windows Small Business Server 2008 Remote Web Access from an external Windows 8 machine and attempt to connect to an internal client, you will get the following error:

VBScript: Remote Desktop Connection
The wizard cannot configure Remote Desktop Connection settings. Make sure that the client version of Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 6.0 or later is installed on this computer.


You will see this error even after installing the Microsoft RDP Client ActiveX control, and would not be able to connect to any internal machine via RWA.


The current workaround to get this working externally is to open Remote Web Access website in Compatibility View. You can accomplish this by following one of these methods.

Method 1:

  • Click the Compatibility View button in the Internet Explorer Address bar and login to RWA again.


Method 2:

a.  Tap the ‘Alt’ key to view the Internet Explorer Tool bar. Click Tools and then Compatibility View Settings.


       b.  Click to Add the website name and click Close. Login to RWA website again.


Following either of the aforementioned methods would let you remote desktop to the SBS 2008 domain clients using RWA.
