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POP QUIZ: Under what condition does the file tab channel drop down button change its icon? - #042

I’m hoping this pop quiz is a little more challenging.

Below is a picture of the right portion of the File Tab Channel.  I’ve circled the drop down button that drops down the list of open files.

file tab channel drop down control

Now, under what condition does the icon change to having a bar over the top as shown in the below image?

file tab channel drop down control with a line over it

My adopted MVP Peter Ritchie says leaving answers as comments is fine with him, so it is fine with me =)

Technorati tags: VS2005Tip, VS2008Tip


  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    When there's more tabs to be shown than can fit on-screen at any one time, the bar is visible above the triangle.

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    If there are more windows loaded than can be visible in the bar at once?

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    When there are more files open (and hence in the drop down) than fit on the Tab Channel. In this case, contempt has bred familiarity.

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    when you have more files that can fit in the horizontal space

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    When there so many open files that all the tabs does not fit in the file tab channel

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    It happens when you open more tabs than can fit on that bar =)

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    The icon changes when there's so many tabs opened in that tab group that they take up more horizontal space than is available in that tab group.

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    When there are too many tabs to all be visible and some are hidden.

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    When there are more files open than will fit in the tabs. Ooo Ooo do I get a prize?

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    Doesn't that happen when there are more documents open than tabs on screen?

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    yes, you are all right.  =)  If it wasn't for the constant comment spam attacks, i wouldn't moderate comments.  (it took a while to get back to a computer tonight to approve comments). Maybe that's how i should run the pop quiz... just want until the next day to approve comments.

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    That was funny LOL

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2007
    I probably wouldn't have answered, but I thought, "Nobody's answered yet? Sara's going to think nobody's interested in the Tips and might stop writing them! I'd better post something!" I wonder if "0 approved comments, X awaiting moderation" would be useful...

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2007
    lol.  I figured a lot of people would comment because there wasn't a response yet.  But then again, waiting until the next day to approve the comments is like calling into a radio show to be caller #10.  You really don't know what caller number you are until the DJ tells you. But i really like your comment about "Sara's going to think nobody's interested in the Tips and might stop writing them!"  I'm inspired for my next post.  =)

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2007
    Glad I could help. Go Sara Go =)

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2008
    これが挑戦しがいのあるクイズであるとよいのですが。 次の図は、ファイル タブ チャネルの右側の部分です。開かれているファイルの一覧を表示するドロップダウン ボタンを丸で囲んであります。 次の図のようにアイコンが変わるのは、どのような状況でしょうか?

  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2008
    После последнего совета о том, как перемещаться по коду, знаете ли вы, что можете выделять код до последнего

  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2008
    После последнего совета о том, как перемещаться по коду, знаете ли вы, что можете выделять код до последнего