Did you know… You can press Alt+Num * to Show Next Statement - #308
I never paid any attention to this command until I start writing this tip. I’m sure i’ve used it before, but it was quite a while ago.
On the Debug toolbar, you’ll find a yellow arrow for the Debug.ShowNextStatement command. The keyboard shortcut is Alt+Num *
When you run this command, the editor will open the file that has the next statement and will put focus at the beginning of the line.
Technorati Tags: VS2005Tip,VS2008Tip
September 08, 2008
No, I didn't know. And I wonder why you waited until 2008 to tell me! :-DAnonymous
September 09, 2008
How do you actually type Alt-Num * on the keyboard? Can you add a little more detail here?Anonymous
September 09, 2008
I guess she means: Alt + the * button on your 'numeric' part of your keyboard. Dunno how else to explain :) Good work btw Sara.Anonymous
September 21, 2008
The lack of posts over the past week was due to the hurricane (Ike) damage and my subsequent lack of internet service (as well as power, water, gasoline, and many other important things). That stuff is back for me now, but the last report I saw stated