Did you know that today’s tip on msinfo32.exe ends the series? -#382
Cause nothing lasts forever… even cold November rain
My most sincere thanks to you for reading the 17 month series. Because of you, people from my hometown are going to college. All because of community inspiring community.
I want to part ways saying community is about people, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It is not the “if you build it they will come” infrastructure theory (that’s just a movie). Community is about the connections we establish and foster. Or better stated by someone whose name I cannot recall, Community is about being excellent to each other.
I *really* wish I could continue, but I haven’t worked on VS in 3 years now. And 80% of the series was written in my personal time. I would tell people I refuse to calculate just how much time I’ve spent writing tips. But now that it’s over, the answer is 12,500 minutes or 208 hours. And no, this doesn’t count the hours writing the book, which I refuse to ever do.
My next quest is to do something with the CodePlex community (my actual day job) like I did here with Visual Studio or Accessibility or the Legal Evangelism Thinkweek paper. yes, i know, i know, “legal what??”
I’ve been waiting a very long time to run some experiments in connecting with the CodePlex community, and finally I can start to play in this space. If you have any ideas for engaging the CodePlex / Open Source community that you think I should try, you know where to find me. Never underestimate the power of community inspiring community.
And now, here’s your final Tip of the Day for Visual Studio 2008, already in progress…
I can never remember the executable name (msinfo32) to start the System Information application.
Fortunately, I can always rely on the Visual Studio Help About dialog to launch the app for me. Go to Help-About, and on the bottom right corner of the page, you’ll see the System Information button.
Clicking System Info will do the same as running msinfo32.exe from the command prompt.
Happy Visual Studio’ing!!!
But don’t unsubscribe yet! Starting in 2009, I plan to create a separate feed somewhere (just not on this blog) to restart the series all over again, but 7 days a week. Stay tuned.
Technorati Tags: VS2005Tip,VS2008Tip
December 18, 2008
Ouch! You mean we'll have to learn to live without this nice little daily "disturbance" :-( ? Thanks anyway for the excellent blog... and for your time! Go Sara, Go!Anonymous
December 18, 2008
URL : http://blogs.msdn.com/saraford/archive/2008/12/... After 382 Visual Studio Tips and a book, SaraAnonymous
December 18, 2008
Wow that feels weird... thanks for the hard work, Sara, congrats again on the book and see you at the next conference ;) Cheers, LaurentAnonymous
December 19, 2008
Sara, you've rocked! I'm looking forward to the re-run(s). Thank You and remember... Go-Sara-Go! in everything that you do !-)Anonymous
December 19, 2008
It's been a great series and a grat help. It will be missed.Anonymous
December 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 19, 2008
Thanks for all the great work, Sara!!!Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Hey Now Sara, WOW! Let us read CodePlex tip of the day or something. Thx all the info, CattoAnonymous
December 19, 2008
"Be excellent to each other" : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096928/quotes :)Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Thanks for all the hard work, Sara - you're a credit to the community and I look forward to seeing what's in store next!Anonymous
December 19, 2008
thanks for all the work you put into this, it is greatly appreciated til next timeAnonymous
December 19, 2008
Thank you very much for the time you contributed. This blog was, is, and will be a great resource for the community. Best wishes in your future endeavors with the CodePlex community.Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Did I hear you correctly that you are ending the VS 2008 Tip of the Day and starting work on the VS 2010 Tip of the Day? ;) It was good reading while it lasted. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Ohhh no! Well I can think you might get tired of this, but I have to tell you since I found your tip blog, I just wait for the next episode. Thanks for a very good job, all entires had really warmed me up here in cold northen Sweden! Thanks for every tip!Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Thanks for the amazing series. It really helped us a lot. Whatever is coming next here will be great for sure. I will miss the daily tips coming in my feed reader though.Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Sad to see it go. Who's going to pick up the mantle for Visual Studio 2010?Anonymous
December 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 19, 2008
Your tips come up on a sidebar gadget on my computer. I've learned a lot from you. Your tips will be missed.Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Thanks for all your hard work!Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Thanks for the series! Truly some real gems in there.Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Thanks so much for all of these! They've been a fun way to start my programming sessions. I look forward to the reruns and the new CodePlex stuff too! Hope you have a great holiday. :)Anonymous
December 19, 2008
You had helped us lot. Spending 208 hours saved somewhere around 2080 hours of mine in grasping VS which become new & interesting for me n my colleagues... Cheers, Jitin.Anonymous
December 19, 2008
Thank you very much Sara for all your hard work! I'm also very pleased to read that you will serve us all tips on a daily basis again.Anonymous
December 20, 2008
I was a bit late in getting hooked up with your blog and the tips. Thanks very much for all of your hard work. I can honestly say I learned something new with each and every tip. Have fun, and best of luck in the future...Anonymous
December 20, 2008
In this issue: Nikhil Kothari, David Wynne, Damon Payne, Laurent Bugnion, Terence Tsang, Scott MorrisonAnonymous
December 21, 2008
I caught your blog at the tail-end of the series (maybe the past few months). It has been very helpful in reminding me of VS's features as well as uncovering some that were unknown to me. Thanks for everything and good luck!Anonymous
December 21, 2008
Thank you so much for the hard work and dedication you put into this series. Multiply that by the 1000s of developers and the time they saved or productivity they gained every single day because of your tips to see how much impact these simple little tips have had. Thanks again!Anonymous
December 21, 2008
Sara, tnx for the tips and your spare time :) Good luck with Codeplex !!Anonymous
December 26, 2008
Thanks for the time and effort you've invested into the series, Sara. It's been a great read, and I'm truly going to miss learning features of Visual Studio I never knew existed.Anonymous
December 27, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 29, 2008
Thanks so much for the awesome dedication to this long running series!Anonymous
December 30, 2008
Who knew you could do so much with VS; thanks for all the tips! As far as this last tip and remembering msinfo32? Well myself coming from a DOS background it's pretty easy to remember winmsd. Strangely start->run...->msinfo32 doesn't work on my XP SP3 system and looks like it's been replaced by "C:WINDOWSpchealthhelpctrbinarieshelpctr.exe" -mode hcp://system/sysinfo/msinfo.xmlAnonymous
December 30, 2008
Excellent blog, Sara! Thank you for your work!Anonymous
January 04, 2009
Thanks a ton and congrats on the book and everything else. I look forward to the re-runs!Anonymous
January 07, 2009
Umm Sara, after 382 daily tips :'( ; hope you make a so much better work with CodePlex (i hope to start sharing some project there). :)Anonymous
January 29, 2009
Hi Sara, I have the same dysfunction with msinfo32 and have as long as I can remember used the about boxes to open it :) Thanks for the series. Its been great!Anonymous
February 07, 2009
Thanks for all your series. It's been a great helpful for me and all developers. I'm looking forward to seeing your new tips again.Anonymous
February 09, 2009
ugh.... bad news. now i can switch off the vs-startup-rss feature :( u teached me a lot of hints! best regards...Anonymous
March 31, 2009
Quickly Change Profiles in Visual Studio