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Hotfix-uri actuale pentru DFS-N si DFS-R

In echipa de Active Directory tratam, printre altele, si replicarea DFS. In aceasta privin?a recomandam tuturor clien?ilor sa instaleze ultimele hotfixuri pentru DFS-R, daca folosesc aceasta func?ionalitate. In acest articol voi lista cele mai importante hotfixuri.

Deoarece aceste hotfixuri rezolva probleme care ar putea aparea intr-un mediu DFS-R, este recomandat sa fie instalate pe toate serverele de DFS-R. Niveluri diferite de hotfixuri nu sunt recomandate in general, nu doar in legatura cu DFS-R-ul. Daca serverele au hotfixuri diferite instalate pot aparea probleme care sunt greu de urmarit si depistat. De aici recomandarea de a instala toate fixurile  pe toate sistemele DFS-R.

Deoarece majoritatea clien?ilor folosesc DFS-R-ul in legatura cu DFS-N-ul, sunt listate si actualele hotfixuri pentru DFS-N. Suplimentar sunt listate si fixuri care sunt relevante atât pentru DFS-R cat si pentru DFS-N (de exemplu RPC-Hotfixes, SNP etc.). Lista poate sa nu fie completa, ?i are ca scop enumerarea celor mai importante hotfixuri.

O sa încercam sa ?inem acest articol up-to-date, a?a încât sa pute?i afla daca au aparut noi fixuri printr-o simpla verificare a acestuia.

In mod normal fixurile pentru un service pack anterior sunt con?inute în service pack-ul actual sau viitor, deci de exemplu fixurile post Windows Server 2003 SP1 sunt integrate in Windows Server 2003 SP2. Pentru Vista si Windows Server 2008 aceste limitari nu sunt valabile a?a încât sunt listate (in cazul in care exista) atât fixuri RTM cat si fixuri SP1.

Deoarece unele hotfixuri pentru Windows XP si Windows server 2003 sau Vista / Windows Server 2008 se suprapun, nu s-a facut o împar?ire dupa versiunea service pack-ului. Este de ajuns sa arunca?i o privire in articol pentru a afla daca hotfixul respectiv este necesar pentru sistemul de operare in cauza.


925066    In a domain environment, Windows Explorer may stop responding on a client computer that is running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, and CPU usage is very high on the primary domain controller;EN-US;925066

941133    The Properties dialog box of a DFS share takes several minutes to appear on a Windows XP-based client computer;EN-US;941133

903651  You cannot create more than one domain-based DFS namespace on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition;EN-US;903651

898900  An update is available to support the DFS Namespaces Client failback feature on Windows Server 2003 SP1-based computers and on Windows XP SP2-based computers;EN-US;898900

936469 When you use DFS together with the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) in Windows Vista, VSS does not show whether the DFS path is the same as the physical path;EN-US;936469

938666 Event ID 2019 is logged in the System log when a DFS domain root server stops responding on a Windows Server 2003-based server;EN-US;938666

917417 The DFS root server cannot do the site costing correctly and local DFS client computers are referred to remote DFS share location after you install Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 on the domain controller;EN-US;917417

944505 DFS clients may access the DFS root server in the remote site even though the DFS root server in the local site is available in a Windows Server 2003-based domain;EN-US;944505

812680 DFS Manager Does Not Show DFS Roots;EN-US;812680

932982 You cannot use the DFS Management snap-in to create a DFS folder in Windows Server 2003 R2 if the folder path contains a dot (.) character;EN-US;932982

945050 The private bytes that the DFS service consumes continue to increase on a Windows Server 2003-based domain controller that hosts the PDC emulator role;EN-US;945050

913835 The Windows Server 2003 redirector component limits the number of files that can be open at the same time to 16,383, even when multiple connections are pooled in DFS;EN-US;913835

945435 You experience a long delay when you try to access files on a WebDAV site for the first time on a Windows Vista-based computer or access Office files;EN-US;945435

945222 On a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer, you cannot access the correct DFS share after information about the link target is updated;EN-US;945222

937357 Error message after you try to access a mapped network drive when you work offline on a Windows XP-based computer: "Drive_Letter:\ is not accessible";EN-US;937357

935741 The DFS service and the Lsass.exe process appear to jointly consume more than 80 percent of system resources on a Windows Server 2003-based domain controller;EN-US;935741

954037 Error message when you try to copy a file to a DFS shared folder from a Windows Vista-based computer or from a Windows Server 2008-based computer: "The selected files could not be copied There is not enough free space on the device";EN-US;954037

953537 The contents of a DFS share do not appear if you access the share by using a shortcut to the DFS link from a Windows Vista-based computer or from a Windows Server 2008-based client computer;EN-US;953537


912850  FIX: You cannot access performance counters in the Distributed File System (DFS) Replication health report on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 R2;EN-US;912850

920335  You cannot create a replication group for data collection when the root of a drive is selected as the source on a Windows Server 2003 R2-based computer;EN-US;920335

931685  Replicated files are copied over the network when you use the Distributed File System (DFS) Replication feature on a Windows Server 2003 R2-based computer;EN-US;931685

919633  You may receive an error message when you try to run the DFS Management snap-in on a Windows Server 2003 R2-based computer;EN-US;919633

912154  You cannot create a diagnostic report for DFS replication on a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2-based computer during the month of December;EN-US;912154

Dupa Windows Server 2003 SP2 sunt recomandate urmatoarele hotfixuri marcate cu ro?u. Deoarece cea mai noua versiune DFSR.EXE este inclusa in hotfixul KB958876, nu trebuie, de exemplu, instalat hotfixul KB943661 neaparat. De aceea nu este scos in evidenta in mod deosebit.

933061 An update is available that improves the stability of the Windows Management Instrumentation repository in Windows Server 2003;EN-US;933061

944804 Distributed File System Replication in Windows Server 2003 R2 performs unnecessary replication when an antivirus application is installed;EN-US;944804

943661  Replication may fail after a "dirty" system shutdown on a Windows Server 2003 R2-based computer that has DFSR installed;EN-US;943661

948833  Distributed File System Replication may not replicate a folder on a Windows Server 2003 R2-based computer if the folder was previously a member of a replication group that was removed;EN-US;948833

958876 When you try to update a file that has a newer version on a Windows Server 2003 R2-based DFSR server, the operation fails, the original file is deleted from the replication partners, and event 4412 and event 4502 are logged

962969 Error message when you run Dfsradmin.exe to set membership properties in Windows Server 2008: "The property MemberSubscriptionReadOnly cannot be used";EN-US;962969

967357 Some files are missing on a Windows Server 2003 R2-based computer after a DFSR replication;EN-US;967357

956123 Files that are copied into replicated file shares may not be replicated for an unexpectedly long time when antivirus software is installed on the originating server;EN-US;956123

Hotfixuri adiacente recomandate:

908521  Office Outlook 2003 may stop responding on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP because of a problem in the RPC engine;EN-US;908521

917953  MS06-032: Vulnerability in TCP/IP could allow remote code execution;EN-US;917953

948496  An update to turn off default SNP features is available for Windows Server 2003-based and Small Business Server 2003-based computers;EN-US;948496

905700  You may receive an "RPC server is too busy to complete this operation" error message when you try to log on to a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1;EN-US;905700

928569  FIX: The first CLR thread pool worker thread is never initialized for COM+ in an ASP.NET Web application that is configured to run under the .NET Framework 2.0;EN-US;928569

938751    On a Windows Server 2003-based computer, an application experiences an access violation, and then it exits unexpectedly;EN-US;938751

922972    You may experience poor performance when you use a program that transmits small data packets on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 or Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2;EN-US;922972

913034 The Chkdsk.exe utility incorrectly identifies and resets security descriptors in Windows Server 2003;EN-US;913034

Nu sunt hotfixuri dar totu?i relevante pentru unele medii:

244380    How to configure DFS to use fully qualified domain names in referrals;EN-US;244380

302934 Disabling the "Make Available Offline" Functionality for DFS Shares;EN-US;302934

947726 How to use the Backup program to prestage data before DSFR synchronization in Windows Server 2003 R2;EN-US;947726

951010 The ConflictAndDeleted folder size may exceed its configured limitation in Windows Server 2003

Sebastian Ticusan
- Support Engineer / Enterprise Platforms Support (AD)