Ramp up! What?
Do you want to gain new Microsoft .NET development skills, but aren’t sure where to begin? If so, MSDN Ramp Up is the place to be.
Through a solid foundation of premium technical content from renowned experts, Ramp Up provides the step-by-step guidance and in-depth learning content you need to build your portfolio of professional development skills. Ramp Up offers you access to a community of peers who can support both your learning and your professional growth. Study at your own pace and acquire new real-world development skills that will help get you to the next level.
Join Ramp Up and help advance your career.
Ramp Up is very simplified and offere multiple routes:
1. Aspiring Developer
2. Java Developer
3. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Developer
4. Microsoft Visual Studio 2002/2003 Developer
Check it out today!
Tyson Dowd has published a even detailed entry on the cool stuff that Ramp Up offers!