Top 10 Microsoft Developer Links for Thursday, July 25th
- Visual Studio Blog: MSBuild is now part of Visual Studio!
- Martin Hinshelwood: A better way than staggered iterations for delivery
- Windows Phone 8 Development for Absolute Beginners: Part 5: Basics of Layout and Events
- Visual Studio Toolbox: Extending the Microsoft Build Engine
- Build 2013 Replay: Anders Hejlsberg Q&A: TypeScript, C#, Roslyn, and More
- Colin Dembovsky: Automated Builds–Why They’re Absolutely Essential
- Susan Ibach: Visual Studio Tips for HTML web or windows developers: ZenCoding
- Lingli Zhang: Texture Sampling in C++ AMP
- Bob German: The Maturing of SharePoint Development - A Perspective on the New App Model
- Web Camps TV: New Features in Visual Studio 2013 for Web Developers