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Ce au in comun ADO, WMI, Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Active Directory, SQL Server 2008 sau VBScript?


Microsoft® Windows PowerShell(TM) Step By Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))Ce au in comun ADO, WMI, Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Active Directory, SQL Server 2008 sau VBScript? PowerShell. De ce?  Ce este PowerShell? Ce este un cmdlet? Ce este un provider?

Daca vrei sa afli raspunsul la toate acestea, ai nevoie de cartea Microsoft Windows PowerShell Step By Step.

Din cuprinsul cartii (am lasat textul original in engleza):

•Use built-in cmdlets to execute commands
•Write scripts to handle recurring tasks and configure scheduled jobs
•Use providers to access information external to the shell environment
•Configure network components using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
•Manage users, groups, and computers with Active Directory Services
•Execute scripts for administering and troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
•PLUS—Get a complete list of cmdlet commands and a guide for moving from VBScript to Windows Powershell

Are atasat si un CD cu:
•exercitii practice
•peste 100 de scripturi sample care pot fi adaptate
•Scriptomatic 2.0 scripting tool
•WMI scripting tools si utilitare
•un eBook

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