Creating and Connecting an ExpressRoute Circuit with Azure Resource Manager
Hi readers, it’s me again. I wanted to highlight that the Azure ExpressRoute documentation has been updated to explain how to create and connect an ExpressRoute circuit with ARM. Go to the How To section and you’ll see the details to perform this (for example, this article explains how to create and modify ER circuits using ARM and PowerShell, this one explains how to create or modify the routing information in your circuit and this one will explain you how to link the vNet to your ExpressRoute circuit with ARM).
I’m leaving this blog for background information, but won’t keep updating it, so please, go ahead and refer to the links above as they’re kept up to date as new features are introduced!
Hello readers! Since the recent announcements at AzureCon 2015 (in case you missed this event, you can watch the recordings here), we’ve been seeing more and more interest in evaluating and deploying some of our newest technologies in Azure.
In particular, I want to highlight the announcement that you can now use Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to deploy and manage ExpressRoute circuits. This is a huge announcement and basically it means that you can now include ExpressRoute resources in the declarative templates, so you can have a more complete definition of a network resource including the ExpressRoute circuit mapping. Also, this means that you can now use ExpressRoute to connect directly to your virtual networks deployed in ARM.
When ARM support for ExpressRoute was originally announced, it was available in the Brazil South region only, but since early August it has been rolled out to all regions.
This is great news, but now you may be wondering, how you can deploy and manage your ExpressRoute circuits and connect them to virtual networks in ARM? You can accomplish this via PowerShell, using declarative templates, or with a combination of both. Let’s explore both options in detail, but before jumping into the bits and bytes, let me address a key point in regards to existing ExpressRoute circuits connected to a classic virtual network (legacy virtual networks):
Currently, you cannot connect an existing ExpressRoute circuit (that is connected to a classic virtual network) to an ARM-based virtual network. You’ll need to create a new ExpressRoute circuit so that you can connect it to an ARM-based virtual network. |
With this important point clarified, let’s now deep dive into creating your ExpressRoute circuit and connect it to a virtual network via PowerShell and using declarative templates. I’d like to thank to Amit Srivastava, Program Manager in the Azure Networking team for providing the sample PS code and ARM templates!
Note that during this blog post I’ll refer to ARM-based virtual networks as virtual networks, and Azure Service Manager virtual networks as classic virtual networks.
Prerequisites and assumptions
WARNING – this blog post assumes that you’ve experience with the BGP protocol, with ExpressRoute, and that you have already a relationship with an ExpressRoute connectivity provider.
Also note that during the blog post I use sample values to deploy and configure the Azure resources. It’s expected that you replace those values with the ones required for you or your company (for example, Azure region, prefixes, ASN number, and so on).
If you are new to ExpressRoute, I’d highly recommend that you first familiarize with ExpressRoute. You can start with the following resources:
· Evolve Your Network Infrastructure for Microsoft Azure Connectivity
Also, this blog assumes that you are already familiar with Azure Resource Manager, and how to deploy resources using declarative templates. You can use the following resources as starting point:
· Azure Resource Manager overview
· Deploying, Organizing and Securing Applications with the Azure Resource Manager
· Next-generation application deployment with Azure Resource Manager
Finally, you need to make sure that you’ve Azure PowerShell 1.0 Preview (or later) installed in your system. This is required because the cmdlets that will allow you to create and manage your ExpressRoute circuits that need to be connected to an ARM-based Virtual Network already follow the [Verb]-AzureRm[Noun] format and the changes that come with the Deprecation of Switch AzureMode in Azure PowerShell.
Before getting started running PowerShell scripts or deploying templates, let’s review the resources required to connect an ExpressRoute circuit with a virtual network in ARM:
· An ExpressRoute circuit.
· A virtual network with at least two subnets
o Subnet 1 for your Azure resources (for example, VMs)
o Gateway Subnet
· A Public IP address
· An ExpressRoute Gateway that depends on
o Public IP address
o Virtual Network
Once these resources are successfully deployed and configured, you can make the connection between your ExpressRoute Circuit and the Virtual Network as described in the picture below in green:
Using PowerShell
Let’s review how you can create an ExpressRoute circuit and connect it to a Virtual Network via PowerShell. As there are several steps involved, the following picture details the steps required:
Now, let’s see the PS code required:
1. First things first, login and choose the right Azure subscription:
001002003 | Login-AzureRmAccountSelect-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId "<sub-id>" |
2. Create a resource group for the ExpressRoute circuit (remember, everything you create in ARM must be in a resource group):
001002003004005 | $rg = "yourRG"$rglocation = "West Europe"New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $rg -Location $rglocation |
3. Create the ExpressRoute circuit with your desired configuration.
001002003004005006007 | $CircuitName = "MyCkt"$ServiceProviderName = "ER-ServiceProvider"$PeeringLocation = "London"$Bandwidth = 50New-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -Name $CircuitName -ResourceGroupName $rg -Location $rglocation -SkuTier Premium -SkuFamily UnlimitedData -ServiceProviderName $ServiceProviderName -PeeringLocation $PeeringLocation -BandwidthInMbps $Bandwidth |
Name – The name of the ExpressRoute circuit
ResourceGroupName: The resource group where the ExpressRoute circuit will be deployed
Location: Azure location where the ExpressRoute circuit will be created
SkuTier: Standard or Premium
SkuFamily: MeteredData or UnlimitedData
ServiceProviderName: Name of the ExpressRoute service provider. You can get the validate names running this: Get-AzureRmExpressRouteServiceProvider | select Name
PeeringLocation: Name of the peering location (not the ARM resource location)
BandwidthInMbps: bandwidth in Mbps of the circuit being created
4. Once you create the ExpressRoute circuit, you must add BGP peering. Again, sorry to sound repetitive, but you should replace these values with the correct ones for your environment.
001002003004005006007008009010 | $CircuitPeeringName = "AzurePrivatePeering"$ASN = 100$PrimaryPrefix = ""$SecondaryPrefix = ""$vLan = 200$ckt = Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -Name $CircuitName -ResourceGroupName $rgAdd-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig -Name $CircuitPeeringName -Circuit $ckt -PeeringType AzurePrivatePeering -PeerASN $ASN -PrimaryPeerAddressPrefix $PrimaryPrefix -SecondaryPeerAddressPrefix $SecondaryPrefix -VlanId $vLanSet-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -ExpressRouteCircuit $ckt |
PeeringType: BGP peering type for the Circuit. As we’ll be connecting to a virtual network in Azure, peering must be AzurePrivatePeering
PeerASN: Autonomous System Number of the customer or connectivity provider.
PrimaryPeerAddressPrefix: /30 subnet used to configure IP addresses for interfaces on Link1
SecondaryPeerAddressPrefix: /30 subnet used to configure IP addresses for interfaces on Link2
VlanId: vLAN identifier used by the customer
5. Now here there’s an important step. You must provide the service key you got when creating your ExpressRoute circuit to your ExpressRoute provider as they will need to provision the circuit on their end, before proceeding to the next step. You can obtain the service key running the Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit cmdlet. Please do not continue until your ExpressRoute circuit is fully provisioned. You must make sure that the ExpressRoute circuit has its circuitProvisioningState property set to 'Enabled' , and serviceProviderProvisioningState property set to 'Provisioned' in the output window when running Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit:
PS C:\> Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit
Name : myCkt
ResourceGroupName : ExpressRouteRG
Location : westeurope
Id : /subscriptions/***subscriptionId***/resourceGroups/ExpressRouteRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/myCkt
Etag :
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Sku : {
"Name": "Premium_UnlimitedData",
"Tier": "Premium",
"Family": "UnlimitedData"
CircuitProvisioningState : Enabled
ServiceProviderProvisioningState : Provisioned
ServiceProviderNotes :
ServiceProviderProperties : {
"ServiceProviderName": "***ServiceProvider***",
"PeeringLocation": "London",
"BandwidthInMbps": 50
ServiceKey : ***ServiceKey***
Peerings : []
6. Once the ExpressRoute circuit is provisioned, you need to create the virtual network that you’ll use to connect to your ExpressRoute circuit, and you must define a gateway subnet as the sample below:
001002003004005006007008009010011 | $subnet1Name = "s1"$subnet1AddressPrefix = ""$subnet2Name = "GatewaySubnet"$subnet2AddressPrefix = ""$vNetName = "TestVnet"$vNetAddressPrefix = ""$s1 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $subnet1Name -AddressPrefix $subnet1AddressPrefix$s2 = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $subnet2Name -AddressPrefix $subnet2AddressPrefix$vnet = New-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $vNetName -ResourceGroupName $rg -Location $rglocation -AddressPrefix $vNetAddressPrefix -Subnet $s1, $s2 |
Parameters (subnet):
Name: The name of the subnet to create
AddressPrefix: The address range in CIDR notation for the subnet
Parameters (Virtual Network)
Name: The name of the Virtual Network to create
ResourceGroupName: The resource group where the virtual network will be created
Location: Azure location where the virtual network will be created
AddressPrefix: The address space in CIDR notation for the new virtual network
Subnet: The subnets that will be created in the virtual network
7. Now, you have to create an ExpressRoute Gateway. We’ll use this gateway to connect the ExpressRoute circuit to your virtual network.
001002003004005006007008 | $GWPublicIPName = "GwPIP"$IPConfigName = "Ipconfig"$GWName = "ERGW"$pip = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $GWPublicIPName -ResourceGroupName $rg -Location $rglocation -AllocationMethod Dynamic$subnet = $vnet.Subnets[1].Id$ipconfig = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name $IPConfigName -PublicIpAddressId $pip.Id -SubnetId $subnetNew-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName -ResourceGroupName $rg -Location $rglocation -GatewayType ExpressRoute -VpnType RouteBased -IpConfigurations $ipconfig |
Parameters (Public IP Address):
Name: The resource name given to the public IP attached to the gateway
ResourceGroupName: The resource group where the public IP will be created
Location: Azure location where the public IP will be created
AllocationMethod: Public IP allocation method.
Parameters (Gateway)
Name: The resource name given to the ExpressRoute gateway
ResourceGroupName: The resource group where the gateway will be created
Location: Azure location where the gateway will be created
GatewayType: must be ExpressRoute
VpnType: must be RouteBased
IPConfigurations: IP configuration for the gateway
8. And final step, you will need to link the ExpressRoute Gateway to your ExpressRoute circuit
001002003004005 | $ERConnectionName = "ERConnection"$gw = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName -ResourceGroupName $rg$conn = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name $ERConnectionName -ResourceGroupName $rg -Location $rglocation -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $gw -PeerId $ckt.Id -ConnectionType ExpressRoute |
Here, the key parameter is PeerId, and you must pass the circuit id ($ of the ExpressRoute circuit you created in step 3.
And that’s it! You now have an ExpressRoute circuit connected to a Virtual Network
Using Templates
If you use declarative templates to deploy and manage your resources in Azure, let’s see how you can create an ExpressRoute circuit and connect it to an virtual network using templates.
As you may be already familiar with, there’re multiple ways to deploy Azure resources using declarative templates. Once you identify your preferred deployment method (personally, I use the Azure Quick Start Templates, edit them in Visual Studio 2015 and deploy them via PowerShell), then you have to:
1. Locate and review the Create ExpressRoute Circuit with Private Peering template. You will find two main files:
a. azuredeploy.json – this is the template that when deployed, it will create an ExpressRoute circuit with Private Peering.
b. azuredeploy.parameters.json – this is the parameters file that will make it easier to deploy this template, as you can provide the values/settings desired for your ExpressRoute circuit in this file, an when you deploy the template, you don’t have to provide any parameters interactively. It’s expected that you’ll customize this file with the values required for your ExpressRoute circuit. We provide sample values as a reference only.
2. Create a resource group in Azure
001002003004005 | $rg = "yourRG"$rglocation = "West Europe"New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $rg -Location $rglocation |
3. Deploy the template. Again, you can use your preferred method as highlighted before. In my case, I use PowerShell to deploy the templates using the sample below:
001002003004005006007008 | $deploymentName = "CreateERCkt"$rg = "yourRG"$cktTemplateFile = "C:\Templates\201-expressroute-circuit-public-private-peering\azuredeploy.json"$cktParametersFile = "C:\Templates\201-expressroute-circuit-public-private-peering\azuredeploy.parameters.json"New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name $deploymentName -ResourceGroupName $rg -TemplateFile $cktTemplateFile -TemplateParameterFile $cktParametersFile |
In my example above, I’m deploying the ExpressRoute circuit with private peering using the template in the GitHub repository, but leveraging the parameters file that I’ve customized on-prem. You can change these locations to suit your environment.
4. Once the ExpressRoute circuit is created, you must provide the Service Key to your service provider so that they can provision the circuit on their end. You can obtain the service key running the Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit cmdlet. Please do not continue until your ExpressRoute circuit is fully provisioned. You must make sure that the ExpressRoute circuit has its circuitProvisioningState property set to 'Enabled' , and serviceProviderProvisioningState property set to 'Provisioned' in the output window when running Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit:
PS C:\> Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit
Name : myCkt
ResourceGroupName : ExpressRouteRG
Location : westeurope
Id : /subscriptions/***subscriptionId***/resourceGroups/ExpressRouteRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/myCkt
Etag :
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Sku : {
"Name": "Premium_UnlimitedData",
"Tier": "Premium",
"Family": "UnlimitedData"
CircuitProvisioningState : Enabled
ServiceProviderProvisioningState : Provisioned
ServiceProviderNotes :
ServiceProviderProperties : {
"ServiceProviderName": "***ServiceProvider***",
"PeeringLocation": "London",
"BandwidthInMbps": 50
ServiceKey : ***ServiceKey***
Peerings : []
5. Next, create the ExpressRoute gateway, and connect the virtual network with your ExpressRoute circuit. For this, locate and review the Connect a VNET to an ExpressRoute Circuit template. As in step 1) above, you will find two main files:
a. azuredeploy.json – this is the template that when deployed, it will create an Virtual Network, an ExpressRoute Gateway, and it will make the connection to your ExpressRoute circuit.
b. azuredeploy.parameters.json – similar to the previous template, this is the parameters file that can simplify the deployment of your template. Again, it’s expected that you customize the values in this file to reflect your requirements. We provide sample values as a reference only.
6. Deploy the template using your preferred method. If you choose to use PowerShell, you could use this as a reference:
001002003004005006007008 | $deploymentName = "ConnectERCkt"$rg = "yourRG"$connTemplateFile = "C:\Templates\301-expressroute-circuit-vnet-connection\azuredeploy.json"$connParametersFile = "C:\Templates\301-expressroute-circuit-vnet-connection\azuredeploy.parameters.json"New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name $deploymentName -ResourceGroupName $rg -TemplateFile $cktTemplateFile -TemplateParameterFile $cktParametersFile |
And that’s it! After this procedure you should have an ExpressRoute circuit connected to your virtual network.
Azure Resource Manager offers great flexibility on how you can deploy and manage your resources in Azure. In this blog post I have shown you how to connect an ExpressRoute circuit to an ARM virtual network, and we saw how to perform this directly via PowerShell, or via declarative templates (my preferred method).
That’s all for today! I hope you find helpful this blog post and until the next time! Happy ExpressRouting
- Anonymous
October 26, 2015
Hi Victor,
I have created a few ARM ExpressRoute connections. Can you tell me how to specify a SharedKey by using the cmdlets? I couldn't see a way with New-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig. This used to exist with New-AzureBGPPeering in ASM.
is it possible with cmdlets, or at the moment only with Resource Template? - Anonymous
October 30, 2015
This is great article, and fun to read! But I have problem to provision the Expressroute created with Resource Manager to work with the AT&T Netbond. I wonder if anyone has the same problem. - Anonymous
November 05, 2015
Thanks Cheng. Can you provide details on the errors you're getting? - Anonymous
November 17, 2015
Can we have ExpressRoute and VPN side by side ?
Based on this Article, the Gateway type should be 'ExpressRoute', does this mean that we can't use VPN connections to the same Virtual Network already using ExpressRoute ? - Anonymous
November 23, 2015
Hi Michael, if you update your Azure PowerShell installation you can now specify a SharedKey with the New-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig cmdlets. - Anonymous
November 23, 2015
Guys, please note that the Azure documentation has been updated recently, please check it our for the latest details on how to Create and modify an ExpressRoute circuit using Azure Resource Manager and PowerShell: - Anonymous
December 14, 2015
Folks, please note that the virtual networks must be in the same subscription. - Anonymous
January 06, 2016
Hi Victor -
Great article. I'm wondering if you have any guidance with co-existence for ASM and ARM. For example, I have three subscriptions spanning three regions (NAM, EW, EA) all connected via v1 [tag:XR] under ASM. However we'd now like to start deploying workloads via ARM to those same subscriptions whilst we wait for MSFT to release it's migration story from ASM to ARM. I have some thoughts on how to do this but wondered if you had any.
At the very least I am looking at creating new ARM-based circuits to those subscriptions, connecting them to ARM-based vNets, and then I assume creating a vNet-to-vNet gateway in order to connect my ASM and ARM subnets together. Is there a more elegant way at this time? - Anonymous
January 07, 2016
Thanks for your feedback Wren,
You can connect a single ARM-based ER Circuit with ARM-based vNets across multiple subscriptions (see details here
And for communication between ASM vNets and ARM vNets, you could have something like:
ASM vNet <-> ASM ER <-> On-Prem <-> ARM ER <-> ARM vNet
Victor- Anonymous
March 16, 2016
In this example:ASM vNet ASM ER On-Prem ARM ER ARM vNetare you suggesting we can created two ER circuits on the same ER service (cables) or would you need two completely separate ER services ?CheersPaul
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
January 07, 2016
Also note that my comment from 14.Dec is not valid anymore as now you can connect an ARM ER Circuit with ARM vNets across multiple subscriptions. Details here - Anonymous
February 09, 2016
Great article.Question.If i already have a ER on a different subscription I manage. Can I use that same ER on a new subscription with a new IaaSv2 deployment?- Anonymous
February 11, 2016
Hi sebastian_bv16,Yes, you can share the same ER circuit with vNets across subscriptions. But the ER ckt has to have the same model as the vNets. If your vNets are ARM, then the ER ckt must be ARM. If the vNets are ASM, then the ER ckt must be ASM. The steps to connect an ER ckt with vNets across subscriptions is here:(ARM)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
February 22, 2016
can we use expressroute premium for ARM model- Anonymous
February 23, 2016
Hi Rahul,Absolutely, you can get the ExpressRoute Premium add-on for both, ASM and ARM deployment models.Cheers,Victor
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
March 30, 2016
Folks, please see this post for our plans to have a single ExpressRoute circuit to connect to both, ASM and ARM vNets: - Anonymous
April 05, 2016
As of today, you can now use a single ExpressRoute circuit and connect it to ASM and ARM vNets!!!Details are available here: step by step instructions are here:,Victor - Anonymous
September 26, 2016
Hello very nice website!! Mann .. Beautiful .. Amazing ..I'll bookmark your sitre and take the feeds also?I'm glad to search out numerous useful ino here within the publish, we'd like work out extra tecjniques in this regard, thank youu for sharing.. . . . .