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IL Language Service for VS

This package provides syntax highlighting for IL files in the Visual Studio .NET text editor. Its source is also a very simple example of a language service that uses the VSIP Babel library. Note that it doesn't have Intellisense support right now, so it's just basic colorization...

GDN Workspace:

- LarsBerg


  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2004
    You rule Lars. Espresso card coming your way!
  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2004
    Upon Install: "Visual Studio .NET 7.0 must be installed before installing this product"

    Does that mean that is is a VS.NET 2002 only package and will not work in 2003??

  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2004
    BTW.. For anyone that is reading (and cares), there would be a lot more of these type of packages available if you could do them in C# and not have to use C++ .. Just an FYI to the IDE guys as MS...
  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2004
    Roy -
    I'll work on updating the package to work with VS 2003 shortly! I wrote this before we even started working on VS 2003 :-)

    - Lars
  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2004
    Wow! Before 2003 ... That has been awhile...
  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2004
    I figured I would just use your source, put it into the template directory and compile it (as in the VSIP docs) .. However, two problems ... bison and flex .. Thoes two things are the hardest things on the net to find Win32 versions of. I only found one place, and they are not the minimum versions listed in the documentation for babel. What are you using? Reason I ask is that I have been looking for an IL "editor" for a while, and I think this package just might fit the bill (and it would be cool to see how it works).

    P.S. I can move this discussion to the workspace if you prefer..
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2004
    Roy -

    I just use the flex and bison from cygwin ( Sorry I'm dragging my feet on getting that update online; I'll set up a machine with the proper bits to do it on shortly!
    - Lars