Using Get-Acl to Identify Administrator Permissions
A good friend – a certain Mr X - asked me the following:
“…Do you happen to have a PowerShell command or script that would look at a Fileserver and dump out all the files and folders that the Administrator has permissions on?...”
Well, I didn’t have a snippet to do that, but I do now J
The following was written to work with PS v2.
Get permissions on items in a folder using Get-ChildItem piped to Get-Acl:
$Items = Get-ChildItem C:\Windows | Get-Acl
Get permissions on items in a drive using the same technique:
$Items = Get-ChildItem C:\ -Recurse | Get-Acl
Loop through each file or folder collected ($Item) and expand the ‘Access’ property. Test each identity stored in the ‘IdentityReference’ property to see if it contains the ‘*Administrators*’ string. If it does, write the item path and the complete identity reference to the console.
ForEach ($Item in $Items) {
$Ids = $Item | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access
ForEach ($Id in $Ids) {
If ($Id.IdentityReference -like "*Administrators*") {
Write-Host "$($Item.Path),$($Id.IdentityReference)"
} #End of If ($Id.IdentityReference -like "*Administrators*")
} #End of ForEach ($Id in $Ids)
} #End of ForEach ($Item in $Items)
For example:
Update Write-Host to an append redirection operator (>>) or pipe the string to Out-File for a report…
"$($Item.Path),$($Id.IdentityReference)" >> results.txt
I also pointed Mr X in the direction of the following PS module and, specifically, the ‘Get-EffectivePermissions’ function:
File System Security PowerShell Module 2.4
- Anonymous
February 28, 2014