Scripting Tips & Tricks: ISE - Alt + Shift + Left Mouse Button
Here's a very useful one shown to me by one of my Dutch colleagues, Stefan Stranger.
I keep using this over and over, so it's going to be of value to others.
You've got a block of code in your ISE that you've tabbed / indented across too much. Eh? Look at this:
Rather than 'untab' / 'outdent' each line individually wouldn't it be nice to be able to move a block of lines in one go?
Place the cursor at the top or bottom of the block you want to move:
Now, press Alt-Shift-Left Mouse button, in that sequence, keeping you finger on each button. Drag the cursor down the side of the block until you see a horizontal blue line and the cursor has moved to the bottom of the block:
With the blue line in place you can press backspace to move the block backwards to the desired position:
It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you've mastered it, it's invaluable.
- Anonymous
September 04, 2015
cool stuff - Anonymous
October 12, 2016
Column editor is far better for prepending stuff like out-null... for the indentation just highlight the block and press tab to indent, shift tab to outdent (is that a word??)- Anonymous
October 12, 2016
Shift-Tab wasn't available in earlier versions of ISE, though ;)
- Anonymous