如何在沒有套用 Test Manager(.vsmdi 檔)下仍可採用 Team Build 與 整合 Testing
在執行 Team Build 時,如果要配套 Team Testing, 有個缺點,你必須要先採用 Test Manager 來歸類整理暨有的 Test Case.
這是個美意卻也造成一點缺點,因為如果你安裝的版本 沒有包含 Team Test / Team Suite . 那你可能就沒辦法 "簡單" 設定 Team Build 與整合出 Build 與 Testing. (因為 只有 Test Manager 工具才能 Generate .vsmdi 檔案)
在未來版本的 Team Foundation Power Toys 將會把這個缺點補上新功能,只是在沒推出以前,如果真需要 下載這個 套件吧
Attached to this post is a zip archive containing the files needed to run tests without metadata. There are three files.
- TestToolsTaskEx.doc 安裝使用說明
- Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets is a replacement for the v1 file by the same name that resides on the build machine.
- Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerToy.QualityTools.dll contains the new TestToolsEx class that extends the TestToolsTask class that shipped in v1 and exposes a TestContainers property that is is the equivalent of mstest.exe's /testcontainer option.
Source: How to run tests without test metadata files and test lists (.vsmdi files)
Originally published on 2006/11/4 下午 03:04 by buckh