完整的 .NET Framework 3.0 RC1 安裝程序
前幾天 Moli 一直和我問到,為什麼 3.0 中的 WCF 與 WPF 以前在 beta 狀態還有開發工具的整合功能,現在都沒有了,我一直不怎麼重視這個 問題,因為我目前的重點放更多在WF架構上,其他就只是和他閒聊帶過...
今天我才發現 自己搞錯一件事情,原來不是沒有 而是放到 Orcas 整合套件裡頭了。 但是我想我們還是沒有搞懂一件事情,究竟 Orcas 套件會不會年底上 ? 和真正的 Orcas 有何差別... 等.
- Install the .NET Framework 3.0 RC for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. This is not required for Windows Vista since it already has the .NET Framework 3.0 but you do need to ensure you are using the RC of Windows Vista to get the right build of .NET Framework 3.0.
- Install the Windows Vista RC SDK from which you get help documentation and SDK samples. This install isn't required for .NET Framework 3.0 development as you can view the SDK documentation and access the SDK samples online.
- Install the Visual Studio "Orcas" CTP which includes tools for WPF and WCF. Of course you must already have Visual Studio 2005 installed as this CTP adds to it.
- Install the Visual Studio 2005 extensions for Windows Workflow Foundation. This is the matching part to "Orcas" but for WF. If you aren't planning to use WF then you don't need this, and if you aren't planning to use WPF or WCF you don't need "Orcas".
- Install the Expression Interactive Designer matching RC build. This is for creating WPF user interfaces to be used with the "Orcas" tools in Visual Studio 2005.
- Install the Hands on Labs for Windows Workflow Foundation.
Source: My .NET Framework 3.0 RC1 Install Instructions
Originally published on 2006/9/8 上午 08:28 by pandrew