SketchFlow Build Error - “The Name ‘InitializeComponent’ does not exist in the current context”
This is my first real go round with Expression Blend and SketchFlow and it is taking quite a while to get used to it. After several iterations of names and screen dragging, dropping in the SketchFlow Map, and adding a few elements to some screens, I decided to try and run my recently created Silverlight SketchFlow project. To my surprise I received error message and a broken build. How could I get a build break if I didn’t even write any code? Man, maybe I should stick to Visual Studio. My co-workers would love this!
I found a forum entry that sent me in the right direction. It seems that after renaming a few times the designer gets confused and does not rename all of the components as it should.
Here is my XAML:
and my code behind:
Notice that the x:Class entry and the code behind don’t match. To resolve this all that I did was modify the x:Class entry to EndOfYearScreens.End_of_Year_Splash and it worked. Let’s hope that this never happens to a Designer as they may have to get into the code behind. AHH! Hopefully, I can get this prototype out soon without anymore issues like this.
Technorati Tags: Express,Blend,SketchFlow